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Information about chip brokers etc.

There can be a shortage of certain chips because:

Here are some texts that cover the problems and possible solutions more closely.

local Chip shortages
local Obsolete chips
local Scarce chips
local Chip trade
local Inter chip broker services
local Inter OEM scarce chip markets
local List of brokers
local Chip refurbishers
local Reproduced old chips
local Chip salvagers
local Small amounts
local Remarks
local Software for brokers

List of chip brokers

Chip brokers outside of the USA:
local Africa
local Asia
local Australia
local Canada
local Europe (including the whole of Russia)

Chip brokers inside of the USA by first letter of name:

Click on the first letter of the broker you're looking for:
0..9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Spot market prices CPU, Chipset, DIMM, DRAM, Flash

Excess computers, peripherals and such


Great Deals on Excess Computers, Peripherals and Components!
FairMarket is the leading auction site on the Internet offering excess semiconductors and computer products.
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Surplus Traders
750 pages
Caters to quantity buyers/sellers of Hi-Tech, Electronic and Computer Equipment.

Chip brokers outside of the USA:
local Africa
local Asia
local Australia
local Canada
local Europe (including the whole of Russia)

Chip brokers inside of the USA by first letter of name:

Click on the first letter of the broker you're looking for:
0..9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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