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Some more insight into chips brokering...

From: Jaap van Ganswijk <>
Subject: Re: praise


At 23:08 1997-06-03 -0400, Scott Beatty wrote:

>this page is the greatest and most usefull page i have ever seen.


>as mentioned above you sell rare and common chips. if an order is placed, at
>an average how long does it take to send the order to detroit.

First the chips need to be found. Sometimes they can't be found...

It also depends on where the chips are found. When they're
found abroad it takes longer of course.

Generally it takes between a couple of days and two weeks, I think.

>and what
>do your prices compare to (catalog or electonics store).

For obsolete chips there are no fixed prices: It's all a matter
of supply and demand...

In fact: Even for non-obsolete chips it's a matter of supply
and demand...

When you need (obsolete) chips, you can email me the kind and amount and you'll get an offer (if they can be found) and you either accept of reject it. You can also give a maximum target price (if you like) in which case we can act faster and sometimes secure stocks without having to wait for your confirmation and thereby risking that others buy that stock before we do.

It's a very specialized business...

And we can also get you non-scarce chips of course, we just buy them from a regular distributor and add a little percentage... ;-) But when the marges are low, we generally advice people to buy from the regular distributors directly.

Some OEM's have all their chips purchasing done by their broker. Saves them time and the need to get to know the market. In the mean time they can concentrate on preparing the production of the boards etc. Brokers that know the market well can often buy chips much cheaper than the OEM's can, because they're dealing with colleagues and colleagues generally try to help each other...


Chip brokers outside of the USA:
local Africa
local Asia
local Australia
local Canada
local Europe (including the whole of Russia)

Chip brokers inside of the USA by first letter of name:

Click on the first letter of the broker you're looking for:
0..9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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