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Chip numbers starting with 747

nr name cat description manufacturer
747 µA747 amp* dual* 741 opamp* NS
747 µA747C dual* opamp* DIL14 Philips
747 7B47 conditioner Modular, Compact Process Control Signal Conditioner, data AD
747 MAX747 power High-Efficiency, PWM Step-Down controller (External P-Channel Driver) Maxim*
7470 7470 ff JK flip-flop gated P&C
7470 AD7470 adc* 10-Bit, 2.7 V to 5.25 V, 2 MSPS Low Power ADC, data AD
7470 CY7C470 fifo 8k*9 FIFO* with Programmable Flags, data Cypress*
747001 747001 ~ pinout
747014 74HC7014 logic hex* inverting Schmitt* trigger DIL14 Philips
747030 74HC7030 fifo 9-bit x 64-word FIFO* register DIL28 Philips
747030 74HCT7030 fifo 9-bit x 64-word FIFO* register DIL28 Philips
747046 74HC7046A pll PLL* with lock detector DIL16 Philips
747046 74HCT7046A pll PLL* with lock detector DIL16 Philips
747080 74HC7080 logic 16-bit even/odd parity generator/checker DIL20 Philips
747080 74HCT7080 logic 16-bit even/odd parity generator/checker DIL20 Philips
7471 74H71 ff JK flip-flop gated P
74710 LH74710AM mpu* ARM710, Family Sharp
74711 N74F711-1 mux* Quint* 2-input mux* with 30 Ohm termination DIL20 Philips
74711 N74F711A mux* Quintuple 2-input multiplexer DIL20 Philips
74712 N74F712-1 mux* Quint* 3-input mux* with 30 Ohm termination DIL24SK Philips
74712 N74F712A mux* Quintuple 3-input multiplexer DIL24SK Philips
747132 74HC7132 logic quad* adjustable precision Schmitt* trigger DIL14 Philips
747132 74HCT7132 logic quad* adjustable precision Schmitt* trigger DIL14 Philips
7472 7472 ff JK flip-flop gated P&C
7472 7472 ~ pinout
7472 AD7472 adc* 12-Bit, 2.7 V to 5.25 V, 1.75 MSPS Low Power ADC, data AD
7472 CY7C472 fifo 16k*9 FIFO* with Programmable Flags, data Cypress*
74723 N74F723-1 quad* 3-input mux* with 30 Ohm termination DIL24SK Philips
74723 N74F723A mux* quad* 3-input multiplexer DIL24SK Philips
747245 74HC7245 xcvr Octal* bus Schmitt* trigger transceiver DIL20 Philips
747245 74HCT7245 xcvr Octal* bus Schmitt* trigger transceiver DIL20 Philips
74725 N74F725-1 mux* quad* 4-input mux* with 30 Ohm termination DIL24SK Philips
74725 N74F725A mux* quad* 4-input multiplexer DIL24SK Philips
747266 747266 ~ pinout
747266 74HC7266 logic quad* 2-input EXCLUSIVE-NOR gate DIL14 Philips
747266 74HC7266 logic quad* 2-input XOR* gate Philips
7473 7473 ff dual* JK Flip-Flop with reset, negative-edge trigger, pinout
7473 74HC73 ff dual* JK flip-flop with reset DIL14 Philips
7473 74HCT73 ff dual* JK flip-flop with reset DIL14 Philips
7473 74HCT73 ff dual* JK flip-flop with reset, negative-edge trigger Philips
74733 N74F733 mux* quad* data multiplexer DIL20 Philips
7474 7474 ff dual* D Flip-Flop with set and reset, positive edge trigger 15 MHz pinout, pinout
7474 74ALS74A ff dual* D-type edge-triggered flip-flop DIL14 Philips
7474 74HC74 ff dual* D-type flip-flop with set and reset DIL14 Philips
7474 74HCT74 ff dual* D-type flip-flop with set and reset DIL14 Philips
7474 74HCT74 ff dual* D-type flip-flop with set and reset, positive-edge trigger Philips
7474 74LS74 ff dual* D Flip-Flop with set and reset, positive edge trigger 25 MHz pinout
7474 74LVC74 ff dual* D-type flip-flop with set and reset Philips
7474 CY7C474 fifo 32k*9 FIFO* with Programmable Flags, data Cypress*
7474 MC74VHC74 2 D-FLIP-FLOP+SET,RESET, pinout Motorola
7474 N74F74 ff dual* D-type edge-triggered flip-flop DIL14 Philips
747403 74HC7403 fifo 4-bit x 64-word FIFO* register DIL16 Philips
747403 74HCT7403 fifo 4-bit x 64-word FIFO* register DIL16 Philips
747404 74HC7404 fifo 5-bit x 64-word FIFO* register DIL18 Philips
747404 74HCT7404 fifo 5-bit x 64-word FIFO* register DIL18 Philips
74742 74742 logic 8-bit inverter OC*
74743 74743 buffer 8-bit buffer OC*
74746 74746 logic 8-bit inverter with input pullups 3-state TI
74747 74747 buffer 8-bit buffer with input pullups 3-state TI
7475 7475 latch 4-bit latch 40ns
7475 7475 ~ pinout
7475 74HC75 latch quad* bistable transparent latch DIL16 Philips
7475 74HCT75 latch quad* bistable transparent latch DIL16 Philips
7475 74HCT75 latch quad* bistable transparent latch Philips
7475 74LS75 latch 4-bit latch 30ns
7475 sn74HC75n latch HC 4 bit latches TI
747540 74HC7540 driver Octal* Schmitt* trigger buffer/line driver DIL20 Philips
747540 74HCT7540 driver Octal* Schmitt* trigger buffer/line driver DIL20 Philips
747541 74HC7541 driver Octal* Schmitt* trigger butfer/line driver DIL20 Philips
747541 74HCT7541 driver Octal* Schmitt* trigger buffer/line driver DIL20 Philips
74756 74756 ~ pinout
74756 N74F756 buffer Octal* inverter buffer DIL20 Philips
74757 74757 ~ pinout
74757 N74F757 buffer Octal* buffer DIL20 Philips
74758 74758 ~ pinout
747597 74HC7597 shift 8-bit shift register with input latches DIL16 Philips
747597 74HCT7597 shift 8-bit shift register with input latches DIL16 Philips
7476 7476 Dual* M/S JK Flip Flop, pinout
7476 7476 ff dual* JK flip-flop P&C 15MHz
7476 7476 ~ pinout
7476 74H76 ff dual* JK flip-flop P&C 25MHz
7476 sn74HC76n ff HC dual* j-k flip/flop TI
74760 74760 ~ pinout
74760 N74F760 buffer Octal* buffer DIL20 Philips
74764 N74F764-l mem DRAM dual* ported controller DIL40 Philips
74765 N74F765-1 mem DRAM dual* ported controller without latch DIL40 Philips
7477 7477 latch 4-bit latch 14pin
747731 74HC7731 shift quad* 64-bit static shift register DIL16 Philips
747731 74HCT7731 shift quad* 64-bit static shift register DIL16 Philips
74776 N74F776 xcvr Octal* bidirectional latched bus transceiver DIL28 Philips
74777 N74F777 xcvr triple* bidirectional latched bus transceiver DIL20 Philips
74779 N74F779 counter 8-bit bidirectional binary counter DIL16 Philips
7478 7478 ff dual* JK FF
7478 7478 ~ pinout
74786 N74F786 bus 4-input asynchronous bus arbiter DIL16 Philips

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