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ARM processor family

The information on the page is getting a bit old. For the latest information check ARM's WWW site which is being updated almost daily and is being designed for easy loading and easy navigating.

Links to specific pages on ARM's site: General ARM7 Thumb Family ARM9 Thumb Family Future ARM10 Thumb Family Development Systems from ARM Press Releases FAQ's (Including how to get samples)

The chip information contained below on this page refers to older ARM cores.


ARM, an intellectual property provider, licenses high-performance, low-cost, power-efficient RISC processors, peripherals and system-chip designs to international electronics companies. ARM also provides comprehensive support required in developing a complete system. ARM's microprocessor cores are rapidly becoming the volume RISC standard in such markets as portable communications, hand-held computing, multi-media digital consumer and embedded solutions.

Currently licensable chips (199904):
ARM7 Thumb Family:

ARM9 Thumb Family:

Type overview

All the MIPS figures quoted are Dhrystone 2.1.
The ARM6 Core (0.8um) The ARM7D Core (0.6um) ARM7TDMI Core The ARM60L MPU The ARM610 MCU The ARM710 MCU ARM7500 ARM7500FE ARM7100 StrongARM

ARM chips manufactured by its partners:

AKM: Cirrus: Cirrus PCSI: Digital: GPSI: Qualcomm Samsung: Sharp: VLSI:
ARM Limited, Fulbourn Road, Cambridge CB1 9JN, UK



ARM produces its own software development toolkit. They also bought Metaware and it's compilers some time before 20030314.

See also:
local See the other families of processors. FAQ's about microcontrollers You can find a lot of FAQ's here

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