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Motorola's 6812 Microcontroller family

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Instruction Set

Date: 19970603
From: Jim Dodd <>
Organization: Onset Computer Corp.
Subject: Comparison of HC11 and HC12 Op-Codes

I've been meaning to post this information for some time but other things kept interrupting my already scattered thought process. Then I saw the messages in this space about the 'HC12 with references to articles by James Sibigtroth and I remembered an article I wanted to mention to everyone.

Mr. Sibigtroth wrote a fascinating piece called "A Closer Look at Instruction Set Design" in "Electronic Design" magazine in the August 19, 1996 issue. He looked at the HC12 instruction set from two angles: The first angle was that Motorola took input from users of the HC11 about what are weak points in the instruction set and how they were improved in the HC12 instruction set. The second angle was how to design a flexible yet fast instruction set that also allows for support of high level languages. I don't know if this article is also available through Motorola or if back issues are available of "Electronic Design" (their Web site is at I just hope that those of you who have old copies of the magazine will be able to look it up or that someone can tell us where it exists in Moto space on the web.

The article certainly makes my mouth water for the day when I can do some work on the 'HC12.

Date: 19970604
From: Dietmar Block <>
Subject: Re: Comparison of HC11 and HC12 Op-Codes

I can't tell you if I found the right article (I have no access to this magazine) but at the page
the article AN1284 'Transporting HC11 Code to HC12 Devices' looks a little like that.


A critique of my own about the newly designed 6812 instruction set.

Mailing list

A mailing list (as it's ment here) is a discussion forum via email.

local more mailing lists GNU programming tools for 6811 and 6812

Older brother

The 6811 is the 6812's older brother of course.

Will 6812 replace 6811?

Date 19961002
From K. Bognaes <>
To Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject hc11 -> hc12

I keep seeing more and more postings and information about the hc12 series in this list. Will the hc11 cease to exist gradually, since the '12 is code compatible? And will this mailing-list be renamed then? Is the availability of the HC12 as bad as I have experienced with the '11 in small volumes?


68HC11-controlled VHF scanner:

Date 19961002
From Bruce Boyes <>
To Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject Re: hc11 -> hc12

At 19961002 you wrote:
>I keep seeing more and more postings and information about the hc12
>series in this list. Will the hc11 cease to exist gradually, since the
>'12 is code compatible? And will this mailing-list be renamed then? Is
>the availability of the HC12 as bad as I have experienced with the '11
>in small volumes?

Here's what I was told last week at the Embedded Systems Conference.

The 6811 will continue to exist. The HC12 is not a replacement.

The HC12 is not in production, nor will it be until next year. Engineering
samples only are available now.

Moto claims to have new fabs so that the new HC08 and HC12 will not be
allocated. They got burned bad on this, and were apologizing a lot at a
press conference at the conference. So maybe they really mean it.

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See also Oliver Thamm's 68HC12 site Many links with descriptions

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