Motorola's 6811 Microcontroller family
LDG wrote (at 199705):
Don't know if you've seen our page recently, but we've upgraded our site
with new descriptions and more photos.
We have also lowered some of our prices.
The SBC-2 now goes for $49 ($10 off) and the SBC-8K has had an 8K
Serial EEPROM added at no extra charge (was $10).
Dwayne Kincaid
- LDG Electronics
- 1445 Parran Road, St. Leonard MD 20685
- Phone: 410-586-2177
- Fax: 410-586-8475
Get a copy of the "Pink Book" first.
You may download the "Pink Book" (M68HC11RM/D - MC68HC11 Family
Reference Manual) and several other technical documentations about the
HC11 family at:
Also try:
To get it directly:
For a PostScript version of the M68HC11RM/D (Directly printable to a
laser printer: (3,7 megabytes!)
For a Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) version (Adobe Acrobat
Reader required): (3,0 megabytes!)
Also, it's worth trying to find a copy of "M68HC11 HCMOS* Single-Chip
Microcomputer Programmer's Reference Manual" (M68HC11PM/AD, Otherwise
known as the "Green Book". I haven't seen a new one of these in years
but it is a valuable resource for programmers. In addition to an
instruction-by-instruction listing it has very useful discussions of
addressing modes, and has numereous handy summary tables of instructions,
op codes, etc.
Data Acquisition and Process Control with the M68HC11 Microcontroller
- Driscoll, Coughlin and Villanucci
- 1994
- Macmillan is the publisher.
ISBN: 002330555X
- It's a pretty good book.
- Barnes and Noble bookstore ordered it for me.
- It cost $66.00 + tax but I think its worth it.
- This book starts with basics and goes into intermediate to slightly advanced programming.
- It has some excellent examples of interfacing the microcontroller with peripheral circuits for various uses.
- Joe T. Guest, Jr. (,
M68HC11 Microcontroller: Applications in Control, Instrumentation and Communication, The
- Michael Khear
- Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0132055503
Software and Hardware Engineering: Motorola M68HC11
- Fredrick M. Cady
- 1997
- Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0-19-511008-0
- For more information email: Marcy Levine <> or Fredrick M. Cady <>
- See the website for more information and text support.
Microcontroller Technology: The 68HC11
- Peter Spasov <>
- Prentice Hall
More books
Free demo versions of HC12 and HC08 compilers/assemblers, debuggers and ISA
simulators (and HC05, HC11, HC16, CPU32/32+) at
- Price is right
- You get the source
- Complete ANSI compiler (including varargs support)
- Pretty good optimizer
- Also includes a cross-linker with support for libraries (part of asxxxx)
- No support.
- You have to roll your own crt0.s (but a sample one is includes in the minilib distribution).
- Current incarnation is Unix-only (but should work under any Unix system).
- Uses a pseudo-register scheme which isn't as efficient as it could be.
ANSI HC11 and HC12 C compilers contact info:
P.O. Box 64226
Sunnyvale, CA 94088-4226
tel: +1-408-749-0702
fax: +1-408-739-6994
It's a great compiler and when you outgrow it, send $100 to imagecraft and get the whole meal deal. - copy
Emails about 6811's COP Watchdog timer.
Development environments
Development kits - by Martin Perko <>
Instruction set
Local - ABC - ABC and systematic
Mailing list
(A mailing list (in this sense) is a discussion forum via email...)
See here.
Mailing lists
Motorola - Official Motorola home page for the 6811 - Literature about the 6811 family
Operating System - uC/OS
This is a new kind of simulator (and also assembler and debugger).
A complete and really fast simulator for
68HC705, 68HC11, 8031/51/32/52, PIC and ST62XX in same Windows environment?
Don't wait anymore, UMPS is really what you need, it simulates any
of these micros and fast, very fast.
Do you need to see if your I2C* program or your LCD protocol is OK?
UMPS can simulate I2C* peripherals, LCD panels, LED's, push-buttons etc.
Philippe Techer <>
Source code (look under the software library for 68HC11) - Drivers for Dallas protocol.
Rest of the page: Miscellaneous emails about the 6811
Here a problem that many 6811 users will encounter:
Date: 19951108
From: <>
Subject: Re: Getting started with the EVM...
> Message sent by Jaap van Ganswijk <>
> Buffalo expects a UART at 0x4000. So if you have an SRAM* from
> 0x0000 up to 0x8000, which is currently usual, it doesn't
> download location 0x4000 correctly. This has cost me and others
> already hours (or even days) to find.
> You can easily fix this in the opcode, without reassembling.
> Just change the (2?) store instructions in load's. You don't even
> need to burn a new EPROM*, since only one bit goes from 1 to 0.
Ahhh, excellent info, I was just getting a new (Non EVM) system up
and going last weekend using the buffalo monitor.
My S19 file was ORG'ed to start the code at 4000h, but the byte was
always being cleared!!!. I had no idea what was going on.
Thanks again for this valuable tip.
Cheers Ray
Some other low cost 6811 boards:
Date: 19960529
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: Some info on the MSCC11
Here's some info on the MSCC11: A Single Chip MC68HC11 Microcontroller.
The MSCC11 features an MC68HC11 processor mounted in a 52-pin PLCC with headers
connected to the processor ports. The MSCC11 realizes a single chip
microcontroller and provides
o Eight 3-wire (5 volts, ground, signal) powered analog or digital input header
connected to Port_E,
o Eight 3-wire powered digital output header connected to Port_B,
o Eight 3-wire powered bidirectional digital signal header connected to Port_C,
o Jumpers to separate unregulated and regulated power and ground rails on the
o The power rail can drive up to 16 servos attached to Port_C and Port_B
o The regulated voltage rail always drives the microcontroller and the eight
powered digital/analog inputs attached to Port_E.
o Eight 3-wire powered analog sensor connectors may be attached directly to
o A 5-pin male header permits the MSCCB11 to serially communicate with other
MSCCB11s or personal using the Mekatronix Bidirectional Serial Communications
Board (MBSCB) described below.
This is extremely high-quality!
MSCC11B Unpopulated board only $8
MSCC11U Unassembled board and components $22
without processor
MSCC11A Assembled and tested MSCC11 without $39
MSCC11A0U Unassembled board and components with $39
MSCC11E2U Unassembled board and components with $49
MSCC11E9U Unassembled board and components with $59
Assembled with Microprocessors
MSCC11A0A Assembled and tested MSCC11 with $59
MSCC11E2A Assembled and tested MSCC11 with $69
MSCC11E9A Assembled and tested MSCC11 with $79
More info?
or e-mail me:
This message is MY responsibility NOT* The OrlandoNet's.
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Date: 19960521
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: Re: 7812 bauds
In einer eMail vom 20.05.1996 12:46:05, schreiben Sie:
>Perhaps that the person that wrote IDE11 will help us.
I wrote IDE11 (and still developing V2.3). BTW: Feel free to get a fully
functional eval copy of IDE11 at ! (V2.3 will
be available in the beginning of June). Any comments are welcome!
The 7812 Bd solution was already explained here by a number of people (good
work folks ;-) !), so I don't have something to add. I also use 7680 Bd
instead of 7812. This never has been a problem (in DOS).
Oliver Thamm
c/o MCT Lange & Thamm GbR
Hohe Str. 9-13
D-04107 Leipzig
From: Ruben Reusser <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: EVBoard
We use our own EVB in our school. It can be purchased directly. However, as we
finished the Windows Version of our Software, we consider giving away the dos
version for free.
It is a full functional embedded environment, that looks like Turbo Pascal:
* Text Editor
* Download Function
* Terminal Shell
* Pascal Compiler
- Our EVB comes with a free ware assembler (asmhc11) but works w/ any Assembler
that may be called by a Batch file.
- The EVB comes w/ 32kB Memory and 16kB Rom that provides many functions such as
RS232* Support, c-like write function and a Shell where new commands may be added.
You can have a look at
Unfortunately, at this point, the documentation is German only.
If enough people are interested in our product, I would translate the Doc for the
American Market.
please leave me a Note! or
regards, Ruben Reusser
Date: 19960419
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: Re: HELP: EVBU & Keyboard interface
There is an article in Circuit Cellar Ink (Issue #58, May 1995) by John
Dybovski: "Real Keyboard Emulation". Check this for details on the protocol.
If a German book would be helpful for you I recommend the following title
(guess why ;-))
Oliver Thamm (Hrsg.):
Hip Hop HC11
Das Praxisbuch zur 68HC11 Mikrocontrollerfamilie
230 Seiten, Diskette
Electronic Media, Detmold 1995
ISBN: 3-9804331-2-9
Chapter 6 (30 pages) deals with "Interfacing PC-Keyboards to the 68HC11"
(without using another controller chip).
Good luck!
Oliver Thamm
Date: 19960827
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: HC11 boards
Here's another board you probably haven't heard of yet... We have just
released our new 32K HC11 ModCon board! It is low cost, and completely
expandable. The stackable connectors provide access to all HC11 pins, and
are pin compatible with the EVBU boards (using a split cable). We will also
be producing a proto-board that will mate with the ModCon.
The ModCon has many built in features to make it as versatile as possible;
It supports both the DS1233 or MC34064 reset chips. The four servo
connectors can be configured for both Airtronics and Futaba standards. Four
dip switches support all of the HC11's modes and Buffalo functions. There is
a cut-trace option for battery support for the RAM. The 14 pin SPI connector
has additional lines to support many types of peripherals.
We sell a the ModCon in a 'minimal' configuration (without RAM or stacking
connectors) for $87.00. The other components can be added later. Or the
complete ModCon Kit can be had for $137.00. Assembly is $20 extra.
Our web site has a number of photos, and details, although we will continue
to add information. Next up, I'm going to have all the connector pinouts up.
If the site leaves any unanswered questions, please let me know!
Date: 19961105
From: Bambang Sutanto <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: EM11 announce
I am currently developing a M68HC11 Emulator for my final project,
Right now the project is at final stage.
Please visit my website...
Bambang Sutanto
EM11 - M68HC11 Emulator
M6811 - M6811 Emulator (Software Engine)
-M6811 Code Emulator
-Device Emulator
-Execution History
-Instruction step over and trace into
-Address (unlimited), conditional (14), and global (1) breakpoints
DEBUG11 - A Command Line Debugger for M6811
-Source level debug (currently, assembly language files only)
-Load S19 (Motorola hex*) and SYM (Symbol and Line Information) files
-Assembler and disassembler
-Expression in assembly and command line input
-Symbol in disassembly output
-Memory/Register display and modify
-Source/Instruction step over
-Source/Instruction trace into
-Address (unlimited), conditional (14), and global (1) breakpoints
-Execution History viewer
-Source module viewer
Finding stuff about the 6811.
[If anybody ever reaches this far down on this page...]
Date: 19980205
From: Mark Schultz <>
Subject: Re: MC68HC11 instruction set
>I'm looking for the complete instruction set of the Motorola 68HC11
>Maybe someone at this group can mail me this instruction set.
Motorola provides a web site dedicated to providing design information for
the HC11 processors. The address is:
Browse around a bit (in the literature section) and you'll find a place
where you can download PDF files of all the information you need. Look for
two items in particular: The "M68HC11 Reference Manual", part #
M68HC11RM/AD. This manual, available in PDF form, contains a complete,
detailed description of the instruction set. You will often hear people on
this list refer to this book as "The Pink Book" since the printed hardcopy
version of this manual has a marbled pink cover. You should also look for
the Technical Data manual for the particular part you are interested in
working with. There are several versions of the Tech Data manual, one for
each major HC11 series part. For example, the book that covers the
MC68HC11E9 and all E-series parts is entitled "M68HC11 E Series Technical
Data", part # MC68HC11E/D. The Tech Data books cover the usage of the
on-chip subsystems of specific HC11 parts in greater detail than the
treatment provided in the "Pink Book".
If you are patient, you can also use the web-based tools at the
aforementioned site to order literature to be mailed to you directly. The
form provided for this purpose expects Motorola document numbers, which I
have included above. These doc numbers are also provided on the page that
lists PDF files available for download. One drawback of this service is
that Motorola typically will not mail hardcopy documentation outside North
Good luck in your work with the HC11. If you have difficulties, don't
hesitate to post your questions here - there are a lot of good people on
this list who will most likely be willing to help you "get your feet wet".
Mark Schultz Sr. Software Engineer MGE UPS* Systems 1660 Scenic Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626
"Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the
individual who can labor in freedom." -- Albert Einstein
See also
See also:
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