Motorola's 6805/6808 Microcontroller family
Big brother
The 6811 is the 6805's bigger brother.
Date: 19961016
From: Celso Ken Mori Monteiro
To: Multiple recipients of list MC68HC05-L <>
Subject: Re: MC68HC705P9
Hi Christian,
You wrote:
I want to begin to use the MC68HC705P9. I have no money to buy a MMEVS or MMDS.
I use to do designs with the mc68hc705j1a, but I want to try the hc05p9,
I'll try to do it without MMEVS or MMDS, I'll build a bootloader circuit
like the one in page 28 of the MC68HC705P9 Technical Data.
To design with the P9, I'll need to do software simulations in my PC.
Does anybody know where to find any free software to do it ?
Or does someone have one that could send me across Internet ?
You can try P&E Software packages for simulation. Maybe they have a student
version of their professional packs for integrated development system. Uoy
can reach P&E at phone: (617) 353 9207 or fax: (617) 353 9205.
It is also available from Motorola a low cost package for J1A that could be
very interesting for you. It is priced around $100 and it has a line
assembler, editor, software and hardware (not real time) simulator and an
eprom programmer. It was really a good offer... the J1A is not so different
from the P9 except for the timer system (wich is really poor) and memory &
I/O resources. For software simulation is ok.
Second Source
Harris seems to be the only licensed second source for the 6805.
For direct links, see under Other sites below on this same page.
Mailing list
(This is a discussion forum via email...)
See here.
This is a new kind of simulator (and also assembler and debugger).
A complete and really fast simulator for
68HC705, 68HC11, 8031/51/32/52, PIC and ST62XX in same Windows environment?
Don't wait anymore, UMPS is really what you need, it simulates any
of these micros and fast, very fast.
Do you need to see if your I2C* program or your LCD protocol is OK?
UMPS can simulate I2C* peripherals, LCD panels, LEDs, push-buttons etc.
Philippe Techer <>
See also
See also:
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