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COMSOL has the largest range of embedded development tools in Europe.

Click on the first letter of the embedding tool maker you're looking for:
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Embedding tool manufacturers: 'F'

The entries are sorted according to their abbreviation, not their full name.
See also the CAD program manufacturers.

Suite 230
480 San Antonio Road
Mountain View, CA 94040-1218
tel: +1-650-917-0100
fax: +1-650-917-6990
FirmWorks provides Open Firmware ROM images, FCode drivers and bring-up
services for systems based upon a variety of microprocessors including
StrongARM, PowerPC(tm), SPARC(tm) and most other popular microprocessors.

Flash Designs
Flash Designs Ltd.
fax: +44-1225-789529 General
Flash Designs produce the fastest, easiest-to-use universal emulators for a wide range of 8/16 bit micro's, covering all common MCS51 family micro's to Atmel AVR, Infineon C505 etc. The main tool line is called Easy-ICE, a modular upgradable emulator an Mini-ICE starter kits, a good starting off point for micro-controller development. We also produce ISP programmers and our tools work with IAR/KEIL 'C' compilers.

Flight Electronics
This is a small company in Southampton England making training equipment for electronics.

Forth-Systeme GmbH (Germany)
tel: +49-7667-551
fax: +49-7667-555

Franklin Software, Inc.
888 Saratoga Avenue, Suite #2
San Jose, CA 95129
tel: +1-408-296-8051
tel: +1-800-880-8051
tel: +1-408-296-8056 - 24-hr info line
fax: +1-408-296-8061
World wide vendor of MCS-51, MCS-251, MCS-96, Philips XA and Microchip PIC16/17 software development tools.
Dedicated to providing complete, quality development tool sets to the professional embedded systems developer.

FuturePlus Systems Corporation
3550 North Academy Blvd.
Suite 214
Colorado Springs, CO 80917-5088
tel: +1-719-380-7321
fax: +1-719-380-7362 - Barbara Aichinger - Tech support only
Our company along with HP also makes PCI bus analyzers. We have extender card versions of our analyzer and non-extender card versions, 66 Mhz, and 3.3V. We also have a PMC version and will soon have a CardBus version.

See also

local CAD program manufacturers
local Makers of test equipment Has another list of tools manufacturers Embedded Engineering and tools 6811 Handy Board Computer Solutions DSP software and tools for DSP chips and DSP acquisition boards Surface mount technology and electronics manufacturing

Click on the first letter of the embedding tool maker you're looking for:
0..9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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