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Chip numbers starting with 688

nr name cat description manufacturer
688 AD688 vref High Precision ±10 V Reference, data AD
688 ztx688b transis trx sig 20v 3a npn to92 Plessey
68802 R68802 network Local Network controller (LNET) Rockwell*
688054 68HC805c4 mcu* HCMOS* MCU 40/44-pin 176*8 RAM Motorola*
688056 68HC805b6 mcu* HCMOS* MCU 48/52-pin 176*8 RAM Motorola*
688112 MC68HC811E2 HCMOS* MCU, pinout Motorola
688112 MC68HC811E2P Microcontroller, pinout Motorola
688118 MC68HC811A8 HCMOS* MCU, pinout Motorola
6882 NT6882 keyboard USB keyboard controller Novatek
68824 MC68824 datacom Token bus controller Motorola*
68824 MC68824 network Token bus controller (TBC) - GM MAP Level 2 Motorola*
6883 MC6883 glue SAM for the 6809E (74LS783) Motorola
6883 NT6883 keyboard USB keyboard controller Novatek
68834 MC68834 datacom Stream Cipher Chip Motorola*
68836 MC68836 clock FCG-FDDI Clock Generator - lower part of PHY of FDDI Motorola*
68836 MC68836 datacom FDDI Clock Generator (FCG) Motorola*
68837 MC68837 datacom Elasticity Buffer and Link Management (ELM) Motorola*
68837 MC68837 network ELM Elasticity Buffer and Link manager - rest of PHY of FDDI Motorola*
68838 MC68838 datacom Media Access controller (MAC*) Motorola*
68838 MC68838 periph Media access controller Motorola*
68839 MC68839 datacom FSI Motorola*
68839 MC68839 network FDDI system interface Motorola*
68840 MC68840 datacom Integrated FDDI Motorola*
68847 MC68847 datacom quad* ELM Motorola*
68848 MC68848 datacom CAMEL Motorola*
68851 MC68851 mmu* 32 bit Paged Memory Management Unit (PMMU) (obsolete) Motorola*
68852 MC68852 datacom 100VG-AnyLAN PCI System Interface Motorola*
68853 MC68853 datacom 100VG-AnyLAN ISA System Interface Motorola*
68881 MC68881 fpu Floating Point Coprocessor (FPU), Family Motorola*
68882 MC68882 fpu Enhanced floating point coprocessor (FPU), Family Motorola*

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