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Chip numbers starting with 65

nr name cat description manufacturer
65 smbj6.5ca power trans-zorb bi-dir 6.5v 600w Motorola
650 6B50 The 6B Series of modules and boards provides the hardware needed to implement a flexible, distributed monitoring and control application., data AD
650 AD650 Voltage-to-Frequency and Frequency-to-Voltage Converter, data AD
650 OPA650 Wideband Low Power Voltage Feedback Op-Amp, pinout Burr-Brown
6500 R6500 mpu* 8-Bit CPU Rockwell*
65001 ics65001 ICS*
65005 ics65005 ICS*
65007 ics65007c ICS*
6501 LA6501 opamp* Op Amp* Power, Single Channel Sanyo
6501 R6501 mpu* 8-Bit MPU, 650x-Card Rockwell*
6502 6502 microprocessor, pinout Rockwell
6502 6502 ~ pinout
6502 65SC02 ~ pinout
6502 R6502 mpu* 8-Bit MPU, 650x-Card, 6502-Card (databus may be in reverse order), 65C02-Card (databus may be in reverse order) Rockwell, UMC
6502 W6502 mpu* 8-Bit MPU, 650x-Card, 6502-Card (databus may be in reverse order), 65C02-Card (databus may be in reverse order) Rockwell, UMC, WDC*
6502 W65C02S mpu* MPU, WDC
6502 tpq6502 transis complimentary transistor array TI
6502 um6502a mpu* microprocessor 8 bit cpu* 2mhz UMC
6503 R6503 mpu* 8-Bit MPU, Card Rockwell*
6504 6504 sram 4k*1 CMOS* SRAM* 450ns
6504 R6504 mpu* 8-Bit MPU, Card Rockwell*
6505 R6505 mpu* 8-Bit MPU, Card Rockwell*
6507 R6507 mpu* 8-Bit MPU UMC
6508 6508 sram 1k*1 CMOS* SRAM* 450ns
6509 6509 cpu* 6502 with 1 MB address space CSG*
651 MAX651 power 3.3V/Adjustable,High-Efficiency, Low Iq, Step-Down DC-DC controller Maxim*
651 OPA651 Wideband Low Power Voltage Feedback Op-Amp, pinout Burr-Brown
6510 6510 mpu* similar to the 6502
6510 6510 microprocessor, pinout MOS* Technologies
6510 6510 cpu* 6502 with output port (used for memory configuration in C64) CSG*
6511 LS6511 detector PIR Motion Detector US Digital
65118 XRT65118A telecom Voice Switched Speakerphone Circuit Exar
65118 XRT65118A telecom Voice switched Speakerphone, Data Exar
65119 XRT65119 telecom Low Power Audio Amplifier Circuit Exar (obsolete)
6512 R6512 mpu* 8-Bit MPU UMC
6513 HT6513B mouse,computer M+ Plug & Play Mouse Controller, pinout Holtek
65134 W65C134S ? MCU, WDC
65134 W65C134S mcu* 8-Bit MCU (=~6502) WDC
6514 6514 sram 1k*4 CMOS* SRAM* 350ns
6515 LA6515 opamp* Op Amp* Power, Dual* Sanyo
6518 6518 sram 1k*1 CMOS* SRAM* 450ns 18pin
6519 R6519 mcu* 8-Bit MCU Rockwell*
652 AD652 Monolithic Synchronous Voltage-to-Frequency Converter, data AD
652 MAX652 power 3V/Adjustable, High-Efficiency, Low Iq, Step-Down DC-DC controller Maxim*
6520 MCS6520 Peripheral Interface Adaptor, pinout Synertek
6520 R6520 periph Peripheral interface adapter (=6820?) UMC
6520 um6520a periph p.i.a. 2mhz dil pkg UMC
6521 R6521 periph Peripheral interface adapter, upgraded 6520 UMC
6521 um6521a periph p.i.a. 2mhz dil pkg UMC
6522 periph pinout
6522 R6522 periph Versatile interface adapter UMC
6522 W65C22S periph Versatile interface adapter, WDC*
6523 6523 periph Tri-Port Interface adaptor (used in Plus 4, C16 and Apple LaserWriter IIntx!) CSG*
6523 HT6523 mouse,computer PS/2 Mouse Controller, pinout Holtek
6525 6525 periph Tri-Port interface adaptor (used in CBM CDTV and CBM B-128/6x0/7x0) CSG*
65256 HM65256 sram 32k*8 PSRAM* Hitachi
6526 6526 periph is the CIA (Complex Interface Adapter) 40 pins. In the Commodore 64 it controlled the Keyboard. The second was used for its two 16-bit timers and to drive the RS-232 port.
6526 6526 periph Complex Interface adaptor (used in C64, C128) CSG*
65265 W65C265S mcu* 16-bit MCU, WDC
65271 RTC-65271 rtc Real Time Clock Circuit SE*
653 MAX653 power 3V/AdjustBble, High-Efficiency, Low Iq, Step-Down DC-DC Converter Maxim*
6530 6530 Memory/IO*/Timer, pinout MOS*
6532 R6532 periph RAM, I/O*, timer array UMC
6535 HT6535 printer,computer SPP/EPP/ECP Controller, pinout Holtek
654 AD654 Low Cost Monolithic Voltage-to-Frequency Converter, data AD
655 OPA655 operational amplifier, pinout Burr Brown
6551 6551 ~ pinout
6551 R6551 uart Asynchronous Communications interface Adapter (ACIA*) Rockwell*
6551 R6551 uart Asynchronous communication interface adapter UMC
6551 R65C51 uart Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter (ACIA*) Rockwell*
6551 um6551a uart interface async* comm 2mhz UMC
65510 F65510 lcd,video LCD/CRT* controller C&T, Intel
65511 mcu* 8-Bit MCU (=8051+) Oki
65512 mcu* 8-Bit MCU (=8051+) Oki
65516 mcu* 8-Bit MCU (=8051+) Oki
6552 R65C52 uart dual* Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter (ACIA*) Rockwell*
65520 F65520 video VGA controller 1M D/VRAM* do. Full color. max 1280*1024 16c and 800*600 256 col. C&T, Intel
65525 F65525 lcd,video LCD/CRT* controller C&T, Intel
65530 F65530 video VGA controller 1M D/VRAM* do. Full color. max 1280*1024 16c and 800*600 256 col., Supports Local Bus. C&T, Intel
65535 F65535 lcd,video LCD/CRT* controller C&T, Intel
65540 F65540 video C&T, Intel
65545 65545 crt Flat-Panel/CRT* Graphics controller,, Asiliant*
65545 F65545 video C&T, Intel
65550 65550 crt Flat-Panel/CRT* Graphics controller,, Asiliant*
65555 65555 crt Flat-Panel/CRT* Graphics controller,, Asiliant*
6569 6569 periph VIC (Video Interface Chip) The Video-Controller and the "chief" of the whole Commodore 64. Could display something about 320*240 at 16 colors or so. R3 means third revision of the die.
6571 HT6571 rs232,computer Multiple RS-232 Drivers and Receivers, pinout Holtek
6572 LMC6572 amp* dual* precision opamp* NS
6574 LMC6574 amp* quad* precision opamp* NS
6576 HT6576A scsi*,computer Advanced SCSI Chip, pinout Holtek
65764 HM65764 8kx8 High Speed CMOS* SRAM*, pinout Temic
6579 SAA6579 radio Radio data system demodulator (RDS) Philips
6580 6580 periph 12 volt SID (sound interface device) (28 pins) also controlled 2 JoyPorts in the Commodore 64
6581 6581 periph 12 volt SID (sound interface device) (28 pins) also controlled 2 JoyPorts in the Commodore 64
6581 6581 Audio Output Chip, pinout MosTek
658128 HM658128 sram 128k*8 PSRAM* Hitachi
65816 W65C816S mpu* 8-Bit MCU (=~6502), WDC
658512 HM658512 sram 512k*8 PSRAM* Hitachi
6595 TPIC6595 shift,spi 8-bit power logic shift register with 45V DMOS outputs TI
6595 TPIC6A595 shift,spi 8-bit power logic shift register with 50V DMOS outputs TI
6595 TPIC6B595 shift,spi 8-bit power logic shift register with 50V DMOS outputs TI

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