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Chip numbers starting with 64

nr name cat description manufacturer
64 VIC64 bus VMEbus Interface controller with D64 Functionality, data Cypress*
640 640C mcu* MCMOS MCU 28-pin 128*8 RAM 2k*8 PROM* NS
640 AD640 amp* DC Coupled Demodulating 120 MHz Logarithmic Amplifier, data AD
640 IRF640 fet fet t0220 = buk45-200a Harris
640 MAX640 power 3.3V/Adiustable, High-Efficiencv, Low la, Step-Down DC-DC Converter Maxim*
640 OPA640 Wideband Voltage Feedback Op-Amp, pinout Burr-Brown
640 OPA640 amp* 1.3 GHz opamp* BB
6402 AD6402 IF Transceiver Subsystem, data AD
6402 CDP6402 uart UART , data (shtml needed) Harris
6402 CDP6402CD uart CDIP40 -40+85C 5.0V 3.2 MHz UART Harris $12/1K
6402 CDP6402CDX uart CDP6402CD with 160 hour +125C burn in SBDIP40 Harris $15/1K
6402 CDP6402CE uart PDIP40 -40+85C 5.0V 3.2 MHz UART Harris $3/1K
6402 CDP6402CEX uart CDP6402CE with 160 hour +125C burn in PDIP40 Harris $4/1K
6402 CDP6402D uart CDIP40 -40+85C 10.0V 3.2 MHz UART Harris $17/1K
6402 CDP6402DX uart CDP6402D with 160 hour +125C burn in SBDIP40 Harris $21/1K
6402 CDP6402E uart PDIP40 -40+85C 10.0V 3.2 MHz UART Harris $4/1K
6402 HD-6402 UART, pinout Harris
6402 IM6402 uart CMOS* UART 1.0 MHz Intersil $2.45
6403 NM6403 dsp* Russian DSP*. See here Module
6403 AD6403 AD6400 DECT Chipset, data AD
6403 IM6403 uart CMOS* UART with osc 2.5 MHz Intersil
6406 XRD6406 adc* 10 Bit 6 MSPS Analog to Digital Converter Exar
6406 XRD64L06 adc* 3V 6 MSPS 10-Bit High Speed Analog-to-Digital Converter Exar
641 641C mcu* MCMOS MCU 24-pin 128*8 RAM 2k*8 PROM* NS
641 AD641 amp* 250 MHz Demodulating Logarithmic Amplifier, data AD
641 MAX641 power CMOS* +5V Fixed/Adjustable 10 Watt Step-up switching Regulator Maxim*
641 OPA641 Wideband Voltage Feedback Op-Amp, pinout Burr-Brown
641 OPA641 amp* 1.8 GHz G>=2 opamp* BB
6410 eeprom*,spi 64*16, Serial SPI bus EEPROM Catalyst
6410 CAT64LC10 eeprom*,spi 1 Kbit EEPROM Catalyst
641001 641001 sram 256K*4 cache SRAM* Samsung*
641010 HM641010 dram* 1M*64 Modules Siemens
6414 XRD6414 adc* CMOS* 10-Bit 20 MSPS High Speed Analog-to-Digital Converter with 4:1 Input Analog Multiplexer Exar
6414 XRD64L14 video 3.3V CMOS* 10-Bit Exar
64144 XRD6414(4) video CMOS* 10-Bit 20 MSPS High Speed Analog-to-Digital Converter with 4:1 Input Analog Multiplexer Exar
6415 XRD6415 adc* CMOS* 10-Bit 20 MSPS High Speed Analog-to-Digital Converter Exar
6415 XRD64L15 adc* 3.3V CMOS* 10-Bit 20 MSPS High Speed Analog-to-Digital Converter Exar
64160 HB64160 dram* 4M*16 DRAM (3.3 V, FPM) Siemens
64176 SN64176B Differential Bus Transceiver, pinout TI
6418 XRD6418 adc* CMOS* 10-Bit 6 MSPS High Speed Analog-to-Digital Converter with 8:1 Input Analog Multiplexer Exar
64180 HD64180 mcu* CPU Z80-like, DIL or FP order from Barend
64188 XRD6418(8) video CMOS* 10-Bit Exar
642 642C mcu* MCMOS MCU 20-pin 128*8 RAM 2k*8 PROM* NS
642 AD642 amp* Precision, Low Cost Dual* BiFET Op Amp*, data AD
642 MAX642 power CMOS* +12V Fixed/Adjustable 10 Watt Step-up switching Regulator Maxim*
642 OPA642 Wideband Low Distortion Op-Amp, pinout Burr-Brown
642 OPA642 amp* 450 MHz high gain opamp* BB
642 TC642 motor 2-wire BDC fan controller with temperature input and fault detect TelCom
6420 eeprom*,spi 128*16, Serial SPI bus EEPROM Catalyst
6420 CAT64LC20 eeprom*,spi 2 Kbit EEPROM Catalyst
64200 64200 video Wingine series, 2M, Linear frame buffer
64256 LH64256 dram* 256k*4 Fast Pagemode DRAM Sharp*
643 DG643 video SPDT video switch, 8 ohm 500 MHz Siliconix
643 MAX643 power CMOS* +15V Fixed/Adjustable 10 Watt Step-up switching Regulator Maxim*
643 OPA643 Wideband Low Distortion Op-Amp, pinout Burr-Brown
643 OPA643 amp* 1.5 GHz G>=5 opamp* BB
643 TC643 motor 2-wire BDC fan controller with temperature input and fault detect TelCom
64300 64300 video Wingine series, 2M,
64310 64310 video Wingine series
6432 AD6432 GSM 3 V Transceiver IF Subsystem, data AD
6435 AD6435 Component of the AD20msp910 ADSL chipset, data AD
6436 AD6436 DMT co-processor for the AD20msp910 ADSL chipset, data AD
6437 AD6437 Analog front-end IC* for the AD20msp910 ADSL chipset, data AD
644 AD644 amp* Dual* High Speed, Implanted BiFET Op Amp*, data AD
644 OPA644 Low Distortion Current Feedback Op-Amp, pinout Burr-Brown
644 OPA644 amp* 500 MHz opamp* BB
6440 eeprom*,spi 256*16, Serial SPI bus EEPROM Catalyst
6440 CAT64LC40 eeprom*,spi 4 Kbit EEPROM Catalyst
6440 SL6440 mixer High level mixer in DIL dok + appnotes available order from Barend
6440 XRD6440 adc* 10-Bit 40MSPS CMOS* Analog-to-Digital Converter Exar
6440 XRD64L40 adc* 3V 10-Bit 20MSPS CMOS* ADC Exar
64400 video Graphic Data Processor Hitachi*
64400 HB64400 dram* 16M*1 DRAM (3.3 V, FPM) Siemens
6445 video CRT* controller Hitachi*
64460 video CRT* controller Plus Hitachi*
645 AD645 amp* Low Noise, Low Drift FET* Op Amp*, data AD
6456 SAB6456A divider =SDA4212 divider ECL* o/p select 64/256 see U891BS (pincomp.)
6456 SAB6456A divider 1.3 GHz divide-by-64/256 prescaler DIL18 Philips
6457 SAB6457A divider Divide-by-64/256 prescaler DIL8 Philips
6458 AD6458 GSM 3V Receiver IF Subsystem for operation at input frequencies as high as 400 MHz and IFs from 5 MHz up to 50 MHz, data AD
6459 AD6459 GSM 3V Receiver IF Subsystem for operation at input frequencies as high as 500 MHz and IFs from 5 MHz up to 50 MHz, data AD
646 OPA646 Low Power, Wide Bandwidth Op-Amp, pinout Burr-Brown
646 OPA646 amp* 650 MHz opamp* BB
646 TC646 motor 2-wire BDC fan controller with temperature input and fault detect TelCom
6462 amp* Two channel micropower rail-to-rail input and output OPAMP* for portable applications, more NS*
6462 LMC6462 amp* dual* low power opamp* NS
6464 amp* Four channel micropower rail-to-rail input and output OPAMP* for portable applications, more NS*
6464 LMC6464 amp* quad* low power opamp* NS
64645 lcd LCD Timing controller Hitachi*
64646 lcd LCD Timing controller Hitachi*
647 AD647 amp* Ultralow Drift, Dual* BiFET Op Amp*, data AD
648 AD648 amp* Dual* Precision, Low Power BiFET Op Amp*, data AD
648 OPA648 Ultra-Wideband Current Feedback Op-Amp, pinout Burr-Brown
648 TC648 motor 2-wire BDC fan controller with temperature input and fault detect TelCom
64800 HB64800 dram* 8M*8 DRAM (3.3 V, FPM) Siemens
649 FT649 2400bps* serial Router, pinout FerretTronics
649 MAX649 power 5V/Adjustable, High-Efficiency, Low la, Step-Down DC-DC Converter Maxim*
64950S ? File Data Processor Hitachi*
64951 scsi* SCSI controller Hitachi*

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