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Chip numbers starting with 57

nr name cat description manufacturer
570 AD570 adc* 8-bit successive approximation ADC., data AD
570 NE570 cmp Compandor DIL16, CERDIP16 Philips
570 ics570 ICS*
5701 M5701 video DVD-ROM controller ALi*
5703 M5703 video DVD RF Signal Processing Chip ALi*
571 AD571 adc* 10-bit successive approximation ADC consisting of a DAC, voltage reference, clock, comparator, successive approximation register and, data AD
571 NE571 cmp Compandor DIL16, CERDIP18 Philips
571 SA571 cmp Compandor DIL16, CERDIP16 Philips
571 ics571 ICS*
5710 TEA5710 radio AM*/FM* radio receiver circuit DIL24SHR Philips
571000 571000 eprom 128k*8 EPROM* Toshiba
571000 TC571000D eprom EPROM* quick-pulse algorithm Vpp*=12.75V, Vcc*=6.25V Toshiba
571001 eprom 128k*8 Bit EPROM*. Has A16 and /OE swapped compared to 27010 Toshiba
571001 TC571001D eprom EPROM* quick-pulse algorithm Vpp*=12.75V, Vcc*=6.25V Toshiba
571024 57H1024 eprom 64k*16 EPROM* Toshiba
571025 57H1025 eprom 64k*16 EPROM* Toshiba
5711 TEA5711 radio AM*/FM* stereo radio circuit DIL32SHR Philips
5712 TEA5712 radio AM*/FM* stereo DTS radio circuit DIL32SHR Philips
57128 eprom 16k*8 CMOS* EPROM* WI
5716200 5716200 eprom 1M*16, 2M*8 EPROM* Toshiba
57173 mv57173 led LED 0.5" x 0.25" rect mod red GI
5719 5719 periph Gary (Gate Array Chip used in Amiga 500/2x00) CSG*
572 NE572 compander Dual* audio compander DIL order from Barend
572 NE572 cmp Programmable analog compandor DIL16 Philips
572 SA572 cmp Programmable analog compandor DIL16, CERDIP16 Philips
5721 5721 periph Buster (used in Amiga 2x00) CSG*
57256 eprom 32k*8 CMOS* EPROM* Toshiba, WI
57256 TC57256AD eprom EPROM* quick-pulse algorithm Vpp*=12.75V, Vcc*=6.25V Toshiba
57256 TC57256D eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=21.0V, Vcc*=6.0V Toshiba
573 AD573 adc* 10-bit ADC 20us AD
573 AD573 adc* 10-bit successive approximation ADC., data AD
5731 TDA5731 tv 5V, VHF/UHF/hyperband mixer/oscillator Philips
5732 TDA5732 tv 5V, VHF/UHF F.E. mixer/oscillator Philips
5736 TDA5736 tv 5V, VHF/UHF/hyperband mixer/oscillator Philips
5737 TDA5737 tv 5V, VHF/UHF/hyperband mixer/oscillator Philips
5738 MM5738 calc calculator NS
574 AD574A adc* 12-bit ADC 25us AD
574 AD574A adc* Complete 12-Bit A/D Converter, data AD
574 AD574JD adc* 12-bit ADC 25us CDIP AD
574200 574200 eprom 256k*16, 512k*8 EPROM* Toshiba
575 AD575 adc* 10-bit ADC AD
575 NE575 cmp Low-voltage dual* expander/single compressor DIL20 Philips
575 SA575 cmp Low-voltage dual* expander/single compressor DIL20 Philips
5750 NE5750 radio Audio processor for RF communication DIL24 Philips
5750 SA5750 radio Audio processor for RF communication DIL24 Philips
5751 NE5751 i2c* I2C* chip Philips*
5751 NE5751 radio Audio processor for RF communication DIL24 Philips
5751 SA5751 i2c* I2C* chip Philips*
5751 SA5751 radio Audio processor for RF communication DIL24 Philips
57512 eprom 64k*8 CMOS* EPROM* Toshiba
5752 SA5752 radio Audio processor for RF communication Philips
5753 SA5753 radio Audio processor for RF communication Philips
5757 TEA5757 radio Self tuned AM*/FM* radio receiver Philips
5758 TEA5758 radio Self tuned AM*/FM* radio receiver DIL42SHR Philips
5759 TEA5759 radio Self hnred AM*/FM* radio receiver Philips
576 NE576 radio Low-power compandor DIL14 Philips
576 SA576 radio Low-power compandor DIL14 Philips
5762 TEA5762 radio Self tuned AM*/FM* radio receiver Philips
5764 eprom 8k*8 CMOS* EPROM* WI
577 NE577 radio Programmable low-power compandor DIL14 Philips
577 SA577 radio Programmable low-power compandor DIL14 Philips
577 UPC577 mf MF in SIP case order from Barend
5774 mv5774c led LED 3mm hi eff red GI
578 AD578 adc* 12-bit ADC 3us AD
578 AD578 adc* High Speed 3us 12 Bit ADC Maxim*
578 NE578 radio Programmable low-power compandor DIL16 Philips
578 SA578 radio Programmable low-power compandor DIL16 Philips
578200 578200 eprom 512k*16, 1M*8 EPROM* Toshiba
5791 XRT5791 telecom Single Channel E1 Line Interface Unit Exar (obsolete)
5793 XRT5793 isdn Quad* E1 Line Interface Unit Exar
5794 XRT5794 isdn Quad* E1 Line Interface Unit Exar
5794 XRT5794 telecom quad* E1 Line Interface Unit, Data Exar

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