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Chip numbers starting with 540

nr name cat description manufacturer
540 5B40 conditioner 5B Series Signal Conditioners, data AD
540 TBA540 tv 16 pins, Col burst processor
540 TLC540 adc*,spi ADC, higher speed TLC541 TI
5400 logic quad* 2-Input NAND* Gate NS
5401 logic quad* 2-Input NAND* Gate (Open Collector) NS
5402 logic quad* 2-Input NOR* Gate NS
5403 logic quad* 2-Input NAND* Gate (Open Collector) NS
5404 logic hex* Inverter NS
5405 logic hex* Inverter (Open Collector) Output NS
5406 BA5406 12v 5w Dual* Audio PA, pinout
5408 logic quad* 2-Input AND* Gate NS
5408 XRD5408 dac* 5V Low Power Voltage Output Serial 8-bit DAC Exar
5408 XRD54L08 dac* Ultra Low Power 3V Digital to Analog Converter Exar
5409 logic quad* 2-Input AND* Gate (Open Collector) NS

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