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Chip numbers starting with 47

nr name cat description manufacturer
470 MAX470 video 100MHz Quad* Video Buffer (AV = 2V/V) Maxim*
470 OP470 amp* Very Low Noise Quad* Operational Amplifier, data AD
4700 R4700 mpu* RISC processor, QED*, MIPS
4700 SAA4700 tv VPS dataline processor DIL18 Philips
4700 SAA4700T i2c* I2C* chip Philips*
471 ADV471 dac* Pin compatible and software compatible RAM-DAC's designed specifically for Personal System/2 compatible color with 256 x 18 Color Palette, data AD
471 MAX471 amp* Precision, Low-Power Current-Sense Amplifier with Internal Sense Resistor Maxim*
471 OP471 amp* High Speed, Low Noise Quad* Operational Amplifier, data AD
472 MAX472 amp* Precision, Low-Power Current-Sense Amplifier Maxim*
4720 HEF4720B ram* 256-bit, 1-bit per word RAM DIL16, CERDIP16 Philips
4720 HEF4720V ram* 256-bit, 1-bit per word RAM DIL16, CERDIP16 Philips
4720 TDA4720 tv SECAM* ident. and chrominance correction DIL16 Philips
4722 TDA4722 tv SECAM-L chrominance processor DIL32SHR Philips
4723 4723 latch CMOS* Dual* 4 bit addressable latch
4724 4724 latch CMOS* 8-Bit Addressable Latch NS
4724 HEF4724B latch 8-bit addressable latch DIL16, CERDIP16 Philips
4724 TDA4724 tv SECAM-L chrominance processor DIL28 Philips
4725 TDA4725 tv SECAM-L chrominance processor DIL28 Philips
473 ADV473 dac* A complete analog output, Video RAM-DAC on a single CMOS* monolithic chip. The part is specifically designed for true-color computer graphics, data AD
473 MAX473 single 10 mhz single supply opamp*, pinout maxim
4731 HEF4731B shift quadruple 64-bit static shift register DIL14, CERDIP14 Philips
4731 HEF4731V shift quadruple 64-bit static shift register DIL14, CERDIP14 Philips
4737 HEF4737B counter quadruple static decade counter DIL18, CERDIP18 Philips
4737 HEF4737V counter quadruple static decade counter DIL18, CERDIP18 Philips
4738 HEF4738V bus IEC/IEEE bus interface DIL40 Philips
4739 RC4739 Op Amp*, pinout Raytheon
474 MAX474 dual10 mhz single supply opamp*, pinout maxim
4740 SP4740 divider 256 divider 1.3 GHz DIP8 TTL-out order from Barend
4750 HEC4750V gen Frequency synthesizer CERDIP28 Philips
4750 HEF4750 synthesizer Synthesizer, very low noise order from Barend
4750 HEF4750V gen Frequency synthesizer CERDIP28 Philips
4751 HEC4751V divider Universal divider CERDIP28 Philips
4751 HEF4751V divider Universal divider DIL28, CERDIP28 Philips
4752 HEF4752V motor AC motor control circuit DIL28, CERDIP28 Philips
4753 HEF4753B timer Universal timer module DIL18, CERDIP18 Philips
4753 HEF4753V timer Universal timer module DIL18, CERDIP1B Philips
4754 HEF4754V lcd 18-element bar graph LCD driver DIL28, CERDIP28 Philips
4755 HEF4755V datacom Transceiver for serial data communication DIL28, CERDIP28 Philips
476 ADV476 Pin compatible and software compatible RAM-DAC designed specifically for VGA and Personal System/2 color g, data AD
476 ADV476 video 256*18 CMOS* Color Palette VGA-compatible RAM-DAC, data, AD
478 ADV478 Pin compatible and software compatible RAM-DAC's designed specifically for Personal System/2 compatible color with 256 x 24 Color Palette, data AD
478 MAX478 17UA DUAL* PREC. OP AMP*, pinout Maxim
478 MAX478 amp* 17 µA Max, Dual*, Single-Supply, Precision opamp* Maxim*
4780 TDA4780 video Video control with gamma correction DIL28 Philips
479 MAX479 amp* 17 µA Max, Quad*, Single-Supply, Precision opamp* Maxim*
4794 HEF4794B shift 8-stage shift-and-store register LED driver DIL16 Philips

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