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Chip numbers starting with 38

nr name cat description manufacturer
38 bcx38c transis darl trx 80v 0.8a npn e pkg Philips
380 LM380 amp* 2W audio amp*
380 LM380N Power Amplifier, pinout National Linear
380 R380EX system 386 Embedded system controller in PQPF208 Radisy
380 TI380FPA network PacketBlaster Accelerator TI*
380 TMS380SRA network Source Routing Accelerator TI*
380 Z380 mpu* 16/32-Bits version of the Z80 CPU at 40 MHz Zilog* $10/100k
380 pASIC380 fpga* Very High Speed CMOS* FPGAs, data Cypress*
38000 rom 32k*8 NMOS* ROM Mostek
38014 LM380N14 amp* DIL14 order from Barend
38024 TI380C24 network Ethernet Communication processor TI*
38025 TI380C25 network Token Ring Communication processor TI*
38026 TMS380C26 network dual* Protocol Communication processor TI*
38027 TI380C27 network dual* Protocol Communication processor TI*
3803 TDA3803A tv TV stereo/dual* sound decoder DIL28 Philips
38054 TMS380C54 network Ring Interface Circuit TI*
38060 TMS380C60 network Ring Interface Circuit TI*
38063 mcu* 8-Bit MCU (=~6502), Popular in Japan Mitsubishi*
3808 LM380N8 amp* Audio final DIP8 order from Barend
381 DG381/A switch General Purpose CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
381 LM381 see datasheet,
3810 ADP3810 vreg Secondary Side, Off-Line Battery Charger controller - Programmed, data AD
3810 HT-3810 sound 128 Notes Generator Holtek*
3810 TDA3810 audio Spatial, stereo and pseudo-stereo crt. DIL18 Philips
3811 ADP3811 vreg Secondary Side, Off-Line Battery Charger Controllers Programmable, data AD
3816 eeprom* 2K*8 CMOS* EEPROM SEEQ
3820 ADP3820 vreg Lithium-Ion Battery Charger, data AD
3825 TDA3825 tv Single FM* TV-sound demodulator DIL14 Philips
3825 uc3825n switch switcher unitrode 1mhz Unitrode
3826 TDA3826 tv Single FM* TV-sound demodulator DIL14 Philips
3827 TDA3827 tv,audio TV-sound demodulator DIL16 Philips
382780 IBM38MDSP2780 dsp* IBM's MWave DSP*, Family IBM*
383 LM383 amp* 7W Audio Amplifier , data (shtml needed) NS
3832 eeprom* 4K*8 CMOS* EEPROM SEEQ
3833 TDA3833 audio BTSC-stereo/SAP/DBX dec., DBX exp. DIL32SMR Philips
384 DG384/A switch General Purpose CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
3840 TDA3840 tv TV IF amplifier and demodulator DIL20 Philips
3841 TDA3841 tv TV IF amplifier and demodulator DIL20 Philips
3842 TDA3842 tv Multistandard TV IF amplifier and demodulator DIL20 Philips
3842 UC3842 Current-mode PWM controller DIL8 Philips
3843 TDA3843 tv TV AM-sound IF circuit DIL16 Philips
3845 TDA3845 audio Quasi-split-sound circuit DIL16 Philips
385 LM385 volt micropower volt ref* 1.23 or 2.5V NS
385 LM385-1_2 Voltage Reference Diode, pinout
385 LM385BZ2.5 volt micropower volt ref* 2.5V TO92 NS
3850 TDA3850 tv Multistandard TV IF amplifier and demodulator DIL24 Philips
38500 AY3-8500-1 misc video game GI $0.25
3851 TDA3851 tv Multistandard TV IF amplifier and demodulator DIL24SHR Philips
3852 TDA3852 tv Multistandard TV IF amplifier and demodulator DIL20 Philips
3853 TDA3853 tv TV IF amplifier and demodulator Philips
3856 TDA3856 audio Quasi-split-sound circuit DIL24SHR Philips
3857 TDA3857 audio Quasi-split-sound circuit DIL20 Philips
3858 TDA3858 audio Quasi-split-sound circuit DIL32SHR Philips
386 LM386 Low Voltage Audio Amplifier, pinout NS
386 LM386M amp* SMD (SO8) order from Barend
386 VM386SX+ mpu* 386SX compatible CPU VMT*
3861 LM386n-1 amp* amp* low voltage audio pwr NS
3861 QS3861 switch High Speed CMOS* 10 Bit switch with Flowthrough Pinout QS
3866 TDA3866 audio Quasi-split-sound circuit DIL24SHR Philips
3867 TDA3867 audio Quasi-split-sound circuit Philips
3868 LM386N8 amp* Nicest audio final amp*, will never oscillate, DIP8 order from Barend
3868 TDA3868 audio Quasi-split-sound circuit Philips
387 DG387/A switch General Purpose CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
387 LM387 amp* Single supply stereo preamplifier. Inputs are self-biasing to VCC/2. data NS
388 LM388N amp* 2.2W audio amp* DIL order from Barend
388 MAX388 8 ch. 1of8 multiplexer, pinout Maxim
3882 M3882 NMOS* Programmable Counter Timer Circuit (CTC*), pinout Motorola
389 MAX389 8 ch. 2of8 multiplexer, pinout Maxim

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