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Chip numbers starting with 293

nr name cat description manufacturer
293 ADR293 vref Low Noise Micropower Precision Voltage Reference, data AD
293 L293 driver Driver 4-Channel, push-pull Unitrode, ST, TI
293 LM293 cmp Low-power dual* voltage comparator DIL8, CERDIP1 Philips
293 LM293A cmp Low-power dual* voltage comparator DIL8 Philips
293 MAX293 filter Switched capacitor filter DIP8 elliptic 8th order 0.1-25kHz, 1.5 transition ratio, -80dB stopband, 100:1 clock order from Barend
293 MAX293 8th order,lowpass filter, switched capacitor,eliptic, pinout maxim
293 OP293 amp* Precision, Micropower Operational Amplifier, data AD
293 l293b driver driver quad* push pull ST
2930 transis Low Noise Amplifier Transistor NS
2931 LM2931-5.0 volt +5V low dropout regulator 100mA
2931 LM2931C volt adj low dropout regulator 100mA
29323 Am29323 cpu* 32-Bit Parallel Multiplier AMD
29325 Am29325 fpu 32-Bit Floating Point Processor AMD
29331 Am29331 cpu* 16-Bit Microprogram Sequencer AMD
29332 Am29332 cpu* 32-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit AMD
29334 Am29334 cpu* Four-Port, Dual-Access Register File AMD
2935 LM2935 volt +5V dual* low dropout regulator 750mA/10mA
29360 Am29360 periph 32-Bit Error Detection and Correction Unit AMD
29368 Am29368 mem 1M-Bit Dynamic Memory controller (DMC) AMD

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