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Chip numbers starting with 292

nr name cat description manufacturer
292 ADR292 vref Low Noise, Micropower 4.096V Reference, data AD
292 L292 driver Switch mode driver, for DC Motors Unitrode, ST
292 MAX292 8th order,lowpass filter, switched capacitor, pinout maxim
292 OP292 amp* Dual* Single Supply Operational Amplifier, data AD
2920 PMB2920 telecom DECT analog Circuit (SMD) (Shrink) Siemens
29200 Am29200 mcu* RISC MCU, Incl-a, Incl-f, Incl-v, PDF PS AMD*
29202 Am29202 mcu* RISC MCU, New! PDF PS PDF PS AMD*
29205 29205BXA JAN 65642B DIP pkg MIL M-38510/292 Harris $156/1K
292052 QS29FCT2052 xcvr High Speed CMOS* 8-Bit bus Interface Register Transceiver Resistor Option QS
292053 QS29FCT2053 xcvr High Speed CMOS* 8-Bit bus Interface Register Transceiver Resister Option QS
29240 Am29240 mcu* RISC MCU (Available now!) AMD*
29243 Am29243 mcu* RISC MCU (Not yet available? We're waiting!) AMD*
29245 Am29245 mcu* RISC MCU (Not yet available?) AMD*
292520 QS29FCT2520 logic High Speed CMOS* Multilevel Pipeline Register Resistor Option QS
292521 QS29FCT2521 logic High Speed CMOS* Multilevel Pipeline Register Resistor Option QS
29256 AT29C256 eeprom*,flash 32K x 8 70-250 ns 256K, 5-Volt Read and 5-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29256 AT29LV256 eeprom*,flash 32K x 8 150-250 ns 256K, 3-Volt Read and 3-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29257 AT29C257 eeprom*,flash 32K x 8 70-250 ns 256K, 5-Volt Read and 5-Volt Write Flash EPROM*

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