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Chip numbers starting with 212

nr name cat description manufacturer
212 mpu* 16-Bit CPU (Transputer) Inmos*
212 ADG212A t - LC, data AD
212 DG212 anaswitch Quad* analog switch DIL16 order from Barend
212 DG212 switch quad* SPST* Normally Open CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
212 DG212B switch quad* SPST* analog switch NC 45ohm TTL/CMOS* Siliconix
212 MAX212 driver +3V RS232* transceiver Maxim
212 MAX212 xcvr True 3V, 3 Drivers/S Receivers RS-232 Serial Port Maxim*
212 R212AT modem* Device Set "AT" Command Set Bell 212A Compatible Rockwell*
212 R212DP modem* Device Set Bell 212A Compatible Rockwell*
2120 PSB2120-P isdn ISDN Remote Power controller (IRPC) Siemens
2120 PSB2120-T isdn ISDN Remote Power controller (IRPC) (SMD) Siemens
2120 SSM2120 filter Dynamic Range Processor , data (shtml needed) PMI
2120 SSM2120 amp* Dynamic Range Processors/Dual* VCA*, data AD
21202 S212S02 relay SSR* 600V 12A zero crossing Sharp
2121 PSB2121-P power General Purpose Power controller (GPPC) Siemens
2121 PSB2121-T power General Purpose Power controller (GPPC) (SMD) Siemens
2122 SSM2122 amp* Dynamic Range Processor/Dual* VCA*, data AD
2125 2125 sram 1k*1 SRAM* 70ns Intel
2125 SSM2125 Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Matrix Decoder, data AD
21256 P21256-10 dram* 256K*1 page mode DRAM (100 ns), DIP16 Intel
2126 SSM2126 Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Matrix Decoder, data AD
2128 2128 sram 2k*8 SRAM* 150ns
2128 INA2128 Dual* Low-Power Instrumentation Amplifier, pinout Burr-Brown

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