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Chip numbers starting with 164

nr name cat description manufacturer
164 PLUS16R4-7 pl Registered PAL-type device DIL20 Philips
164 PLUS16R4D pl Registered PAL-type device DIL20 Philips
1640 DS1640 fet Personal Computer Power FET*, PS Dallas*
1640 DS1640C fet Personal Computer Power FET*, Dallas*
1640 SL1640 see also UPC1037 (functional compatible)
16400 HB16400B dram* 4M*4 DRAM (5 V, 4k-Refresh, FPM) Siemens
16402 HD1-6402B-9 uart -40+85C 5.0V 8.0MHz UART in CDIP40 Harris $8/1K
16402 HD1-6402R-9 uart -40+85C 5.0V 2.0MHz UART in CDIP40 Harris $6/1K
16402883 HD1-6402B/883 uart UART MIL-STD in CDIP40 at 8MHz Harris $30/1K
16402883 HD1-6402R/883 uart UART MIL-STD in CDIP40 at 2MHz Harris $15/1K
16405 HB16405B dram* 4M*4 DRAM (5 V, EDO) Siemens
16408 HD1-6408-9 encdec CDIP24 -40+85C 5.0V 1.25 MHz Manchester Encoder-Decoder Harris $34/1K
16409 HD1-6409-9 encdec CDIP20 -40+85C 5.0V 1.00 MHz Manchester Encoder-Decoder Harris $18/1K
16409883 HD1-6409/883 encdec Manchester ENC/DEC MIL 2MHz CDIP20 Harris $19/1K
1641 M1641 chipset Aladdin Northbridge: Supports Pentium II processors ALi*
1641 SL1641 see also UPC1037 (functional compatible)
1641 SL1641 hf HF mixer order from Barend
16412 f16r4-12cn pl PAL* and/or reg-is 12ns/210ma TI
16415 f16r4-15cn pl PAL* and/or reg-is 15ns/210ma TI
1642 DS1642 rtc Nonvolatile Timekeeping RAM, PS Dallas*
1643 DS1643 rtc Nonvolatile Timekeeping RAM, PS Dallas*
1643 DS1643LPM rtc Nonvolatile Timekeeping RAM, Dallas*
1644 DS1644 rtc Nonvolatile Timekeeping RAM, PS Dallas*
1644 DS1644LPM rtc Nonvolatile Timekeeping RAM, Dallas*
1645 CXA1645M RGB to NTSC*/PAL* Encoder, pinout Sony
1645 CXA1645P RGB to NTSC*/PAL* Encoder, pinout Sony
1645 DS1645 sram Partitioned 1024K NV* SRAM*, Dallas*
1645 DS1645AB sram Partitionable 1024K NV* SRAM*, PS Dallas*
1645 DS1645EE sram Partitioned 1024K NV* SRAM*, PS Dallas*
1645 DS1645LPM sram Partitionable 1024K NV* SRAM*, Dallas*
1645 DS1645Y sram Partitionable 1024K NV* SRAM*, PS Dallas*
16450 uart UART (=8250+), pinout, pinout NS
16450 ST16C450 uart UART with Higher Operating Speed and Lower Access Time Exar
16450 XR16C450 uart CMOS* UART, Data , Pinout Exar
16452 ST16C452 uart DUART* with Parallel Printer Port, Data Startech -> Exar
16452 ST16C452_PS uart Dual* UART with Parallel Printer Port Exar
16454 ST16C454 uart Quad* UART with a Dual* Foot Print Interface Exar
1646 DS1646 clock Nonvolatile Timekeeping RAM, PS Dallas*
1646 DS1646LPM clock Nonvolatile Timekeeping RAM, Dallas*
1647 DS1647 clock Nonvolatile Timekeeping RAM, PS Dallas*
1647 DS1647LPM clock Nonvolatile Timekeeping RAM, Dallas*
16471 ADC16471 adc* 16 bit ADC 192KSPS with ref* NS
1648 MC1648 tv =SP1648 HF/VHF VCO/VFO with AVR (constant output) for excellent osc. max. 200 MHz, ECL* level but sinewave possible order from Barend
1649 driver hex* TTL-MOS Driver NS

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