Motorola's 6816 Microcontroller family
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Date: 19961014
From: Larry Chen <>
Subject: Re: hc16
At 19961014 Lutz Nehrhoff wrote:
I want start using a 68hc916-X1 MCU with the FLASHKIT 16.
Does anyone know where i can find a data sheet or does anyone
have technical information about the flashkit 16.
I have developed a background debugger module for 68HCZ1 which has the
following features:
HC16BGND is an advanced programmer's interface that helps you to
develop, test, and refine your assembly language programs for
MOTOROLA's 68HC16 microcontrollers. The key features include:
- Run under MS Windows
- Interface through PC's parallel port
- Motorola suggested 10 pin target connector
- Download and debug HC16 assembly language program in S19 or HEX* format
- trace through your code by step through or step over
- set up to 100 breakpoints
- On-screen editing of register and data memory
- On-fly assembly of instruction using mnemonics in program memory
- Open infinite Register, Program, and Data windows
- Exchange data through Windows clipboard
- Easy to use. Just click on the menu with left mouse or click on the windows' area. Everything is self-explained
- Convenient and easy to install due to its parallel port interface. You can use laptop to do an on-site demonstration of you products
- Low cost
- 30 day money back guarantee and one year product warranty
For more information or need a demo program,
or send email to WCTECH@WHY.NET
Larry Chen
MC68HC16 Embedded Controllers and Software Development Tools |
WebPg |
Intec Inoventures Inc. Phone 250-721-5150 |
2751 Arbutus Road Fax 721-4191 |
Victoria BC V8N 5X7 |
Canada |
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