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Chips in the category 'SWITCH'

nr name description manufacturer
0014 LH0014 DPDT switch NS
0015 LH0015 quad* SPST* switch NS
0019 LH0019 dual* DPST* switch NS
06 SW06 Quad* SPST* JFET Analog Switch, data AD
06 sw06gp jfet quad* spst analog switch Motorola
093 MT093 8*12 analog switch Array Mitel*
1029 TDA1029 Signal-sources switch DIL16 Philips
1277 DS1277 8-Channel Crosspoint switch, Dallas*
2 MSW2-20 SPDT switch 23dBm SO8 case; reflective 2.4 GHz (pincompatible MA/COM SW239) order from Barend
2001 DG2001A dual* SPDT GMOS analog switch Maxim*
201 ADG201 quad* SPST* analog switch AD
201 DG201A quad* SPSI Normally Closed CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
201 DG201B quad* SPST* analog switch 45ohm Siliconix
201 HI-201HS High-Speed, Quad* SPST*, CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
201 SW201 SPDT Switch 2 GHz (SPDT) order from Barend
202 DG202 quad* SPST* Normally Open CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
202 DG202B quad* SPST* analog switch NC 45ohm Siliconix
202 SW202 Quad* JFET switch SPST* order from Barend
211 DG211 quad* SPST* Normally Closed CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
211 DG211 quad* SPST* analog switch
211 DG211B quad* SPST* analog switch 45ohm TTL/CMOS* Siliconix
212 DG212 quad* SPST* Normally Open CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
212 DG212B quad* SPST* analog switch NC 45ohm TTL/CMOS* Siliconix
22106 CD22106 8*8 crosspoint switch RCA
239 SW239 GaAs SPDT Switch 2.5 GHz (1xom) SO8 DC only 50µW order from Barend
2402 SSM2402 Dual* Audio Analog Switch, data AD
2404 SSM2404 Quad* Audio Switch, data AD
2405 DS2405 Addressable switch, PS Dallas*
2407 DS2407 dual* Addressable switch Plus 1K-Bit Memory, PS Dallas*
2577 Simple switcher NS
271 dg271cj cmos quad* analog switch Siliconix
279 SW279 SPDT Switch high-power (36dBm, IP3=65dBm) (1xom) SO8 order from Barend
281 SW281 DPDT Switch 4 GHz (2 x om) ceramic FP16 order from Barend
2830 MC2830 voice activated switch Motorola
289 SW289 DPDT Switch 2 GHz (2 x om) SO16 order from Barend
300 DG300/A TTL Compatible CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
301 DG301/A TTL Compatible CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
301 MAX301 Precision, Dual* SPST*, High-Speed analog switch Maxim*
302 DG302/A TTL Compatible CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
303 DG303/A TTL Compatible CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
303 MAX303 Precision, Dual* SPDT, High-Speed analog switch Maxim*
304 DG304/A CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
305 DG305/A CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
305 MAX305 Precision, Dual* DPST*, High-Speed analog switch Maxim*
3059 CA3059 zero voltage switch RCA
306 DG306/A CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
307 DG307/A CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
3079 CA3079 zero voltage switch RCA
308 DG308B quad* SPST* analog switch 45ohm CMOS* Siliconix
309 DG309B quad* SPST* analog switch NC 45ohm CMOS* Siliconix
3125 QS3125 High Speed CMOS* QuickSwitch. Buffers, 74'125 Compatible QS
3125 QS3125 quad* N switch QS
317 MAX317 Precision, SPST*, CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
318 MAX318 Precision, SfTI (?), CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
319 MAX319 Precision, SPDT, CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
32244 QS32244 High Speed CMOS* QuickSwitch. Buffers, 74'244 Compatible QS
32245 QS32245 High Speed CMOS* QuickSwitch. Buffers, 74'245 Compatible QS
32384 QS32384 High Speed CMOS* bus switch with Series Resistor QS
32384 QS32X2384 QuickSwitch, bus switch with resistor, 20-bit in QVSOP packaging QS
3244 QS3244 8 bit switch, 74244 pinout QS
3244 QS3244 High Speed CMOS* QuickSwitch. Buffers, 74'244 Compatible QS
3245 QS3245 8 bit switch, 74245 pinout QS
3245 QS3245 High Speed CMOS* QuickSwitch. Buffers, 74'245 Compatible QS
3245 QS32X245 QuickSwitch, bus switch, 16-bit in QVSOP packaging QS
3245 QS3J245 QuickSwitch, with JTAG* interface QS
3309 QS3J309 QuickSwitch, with JTAG* interface QS
331 MAX331 quad* SPST* Normally Closed CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
332 MAX332 quad* SPST* Normally Open CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
333 MAX333 quad* SPDT CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
333 MAX333A Improved, Quad* SPDT, CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
334 MAX334 High Speed Break-Before-Make Quad* SPST* analog switch Maxim*
335 MAX335 Serial, Controlled, 8X SPST* analog switch Maxim*
3384 QS32X384 QuickSwitch, bus switch, 20-bit in QVSOP packaging QS
3384 QS32XL384 QuickSwitch, bus switch, 20-bit in QVSOP packaging QS
3384 QS3384 High Speed CMOS* 10 Bit switch QS
3384 QS3L384 High Speed Low Power CMOS* 10 Bit bus switches QS
3386 QS3386 High Speed CMOS* bus Exchange switches With Extended Voltage Range QS
3388 QS3388 bus Exchange With Terminators QS
3399 MC3399T automotive high side driver switch Motorola
341 MAX341 dual* SPST* High Voltage CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
343 MAX343 dual* SPDT High Voltage CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
345 MAX345 dual* DPST* High Voltage CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
348 MAX348 Low Ron Dual* SPST* High Voltage CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
351 MAX351 Precision, Quad* SPST* analog switch Maxim*
352 MAX352 Precision, Quad* SPST* analog switch Maxim*
353 MAX353 Precision, quad* SPST* analog switch Maxim*
361 MAX361 Precision, Quad* SPST* analog switch Maxim*
362 MAX362 Precision, Quad* SPST* analog switch Maxim*
364 MAX364 Precision, Quad* SPST* analog switch Maxim*
365 MAX365 Precision, Quad* SPST* analog switch Maxim*
381 DG381/A General Purpose CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
3825 uc3825n switcher unitrode 1mhz Unitrode
384 DG384/A General Purpose CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
3861 QS3861 High Speed CMOS* 10 Bit switch with Flowthrough Pinout QS
387 DG387/A General Purpose CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
390 DG390/A General Purpose CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
401 DG401 Improved, Dual*, High-Speed analog switch Maxim*
401 DG401 quad* SPST* analog switch Siliconix
4016 CD4016B CMOS* Quad* Bilateral switch NS
4016 HEC4016B quadruple bilateral switches CERDIP14 Philips
4016 HEF4016B quadruple bilateral switches DIL14, CERDIP14 Philips
403 DG403 Improved, Dual*, High-Speed analog switch Maxim*
405 DG405 Improved, Dual*, High-Speed analog switch Maxim*
4066 CD4066B CMOS* Quad* Bilateral switch NS
4066 HEC4066B quadruple bilateral switches CERDIP14 Philips
4066 HEF4066B quadruple bilateral switches DIL14, CERDIP14 Philips
411 DG411 Improved, Quad*, SPST* analog switch Maxim*
411 DG411 quad* precision analog switch Siliconix
412 DG412 Improved, Quad*, SPST* analog switch Maxim*
412 DG412 quad* precision analog switch Siliconix
413 DG413 improved, Quad*, SPST* analog switch Maxim*
413 DG413 quad* precision analog switch Siliconix
417 DG417 Improved, SPST*, CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
418 DG418 Improved, SPST*, CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
419 DG419 Improved, SPDT, CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
421 DG421 Improved, Low On Resistance, CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
423 DG423 Improved, Low On Resistance, CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
425 DG425 Improved, Low On Resistance, CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
4316 4316 CMOS* Quad* analog switch pinout
441 DG441 Improved, Quad*, SPST* analog switch Maxim*
441 DG441 quad* analog switch Siliconix
4416 SCL4416A CMOS* DPDT switch SSS
442 DG442 Improved, Quad*, SPST* analog switch Maxim*
442 DG442 quad* analog switch Siliconix
444 DG444 Improved, Quad*, SPST* analog switch Maxim*
444 DG444 quad* analog switch Siliconix
445 DG445 Improved, Quad*, SPST* analog switch Maxim*
445 DG445 quad* analog switch Siliconix
5040 IH5040 SPST* Normally Open CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
5041 IH5041 dual* SPST* Normally Open CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
5042 IH5042 SPDT CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
5043 IH5043 dual* SPDT CMOS* analog SwitcH Maxim*
5044 IH5044 DPS7 Normally Open CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
5045 IH5045 dual* DPST* Normally Open CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
5048 IH5048 Low Charge Injection Dual* SPST* Normally Open analog switch Maxim*
5049 IH5049 Low Charge Injection Dual* DPST* Normally Open analog switch Maxim*
5050 IH5050 Low Charge injection SPDT analog switch Maxim*
5051 IH5051 Low Charge Injection Dual* SPDT analog switch Maxim*
511 ADG511 quad* SPST* analog switch NO AD
512 ADG512 quad* SPST* analog switch NC AD
513 ADG513 quad* SPST* analog switch NO/NC AD
5140 IH5140 Low Power Fast SPST* Normally Open CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
5141 IH5141 Low Power Fast Dual* SPST* Normally Open CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
5142 IH5142 Low Power Fast SPDT CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
5143 IH5143 Low Power Fast Dual* SPDT CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
5144 IH5144 Low Power Fast DPST* Normally Open CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
5145 IH5145 Low Power Fast Dual* DPST* Normally Open CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
5341 IH5341 dual* SPSI Normally Open RWVideo switch Maxim*
5352 IH5352 quad* SPST* Normally Open RF/Video switch Maxim*
630 NE630 Single-pete double-throw (SPDT) switch DIL8 Philips
662 ADG662 LC²MOS* Precision, 5V Quad* SPST* Switches, data AD
663 ADG663 LC²MOS* Precision, 5V Quad* SPST* Switches, data AD
701 ADG701 Monolithic CMOS* SPST* Switch (Closed With a Logic Input of "1"), data AD
702 ADG702 Monolithic CMOS* SPST* Switch (Open With a Logic Input of "1"), data AD
719 ADG719 CMOS* Low Voltage 4 Ohm SPDT Switch, data AD
721 ADG721 Monolithic CMOS* SPST* Switch, data AD
722 ADG722 Monolithic CMOS* SPST* Switch, data AD
723 ADG723 Monolithic CMOS* SPST* Switch, data AD
744016 74HC4016 quad* bilateral switches DIL14 Philips
744016 74HCT4016 quad* bilateral switches DIL14 Philips
744016 74HCT4016 quad* bilateral switches Philips
744066 74HC4066 quad* analog switch Harris
744066 74HC4066 quad* bilateral switches DIL14 Philips
744066 74HCT4066 Ouad bilateral switches DIL14 Philips
744066 74HCT4066 quad* bilateral switches Philips
744066 74LV4066 quad* bilateral switches DIL14 Philips
744066 pc74HCT4066t HCT* quad* bilat switch soic Philips
7440661 m74HC4066m1 HC quad* bilat switch soic ST
744316 74HC4316 quad* bilateral switches DIL16 Philips
744316 74HCT4316 quad* bilateral switches DIL16 Philips
744316 74HCT4316 quad* bilateral switches Philips
744316 74LV4316 quad* bilateral switches DIL16 Philips
8108 AD8108 325 MHz, 8x8 Buffered Video Crosspoint Switch (Gain=1), data AD
8109 AD8109 250 MHz, 8x8 Buffered Video Crosspoint Switch (Gain=2), data AD
8110 AD8110 260 MHz, 16 x 8 Buffered Video Crosspoint Switch (Gain=1), data AD
8111 AD8111 260 MHz, 16 x 8 Buffered Video Crosspoint Switch (Gain=2), data AD
8116 AD8116 200 MHz, 16 3 16 Buffered Video Crosspoint Switch, data AD
8804 MT8804A 8*4 analog switch Array Mitel*
8806 MT8806 8*4 analog switch Array Mitel*
8808 MT8808 8*8 analog switch Array Mitel*
8809 MT8809 8*8 analog switch Array Mitel*
8812 MT8812 8*12 analog switch Array Mitel*
8814 MT8814 8*12 analog switch Array Mitel*
8815 MT8815 8*12 analog switch Array Mitel*
8816 MT8816 8*16 analog switch Array Mitel*
8832 MT88V32 8*4 High Performance Video switch Array Mitel*
8980 MT8980D Digital switch Mitel*
8981 MT8981D Digital switch Mitel*
8982 MT8982 Small Digital switch Mitel*
8985 MT8985 Enhanced Digital switch Mitel*
8986 MT8986 Multiple Rate Digital switch Mitel*
9080 MT9080 switch Matrix Module (SMX) Mitel*
9164 TC9164 Multimedia analog switch from Toshiba

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