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Chips in the category 'BUS'

nr name description manufacturer
EPIC PCI controller in the APECS chipset DEC*
Lontalk See 3120, 3150 Echelon*
Neuron See 3120, 3150 Echelon*
001 PCI-ISA-001 low cost PCI controller chip targeted for migrating cost sensitive ISA adapter cards into PCI architecture ISS*
068 VAC068A VMEbus Address Controller, data Cypress*
068 VIC068A VMEbus Interface Controller, data Cypress*
13282 HS1-3282-8 -55+125C ARINC bus interface circuit in CDIP40 Harris $76/1K
150 CF150 Can bus Transceiver, Bidirectional
2012 FB2012A Futurebus+ central arbitration controller Philips
2031 FB2031 9-bit latched/register/pass-thru Futurebus+ transceiver Philips
2033 FB2033 8-bit latched/register/pass-thru Futurebus+ transceiver Philips
2040 FB2040A 8-bit Futurebus+ transceiver Philips
2041 FB2041 7-bit Futurebus+ transceiver Philips
2050 FB2050 All the functions you need to conform to Fieldbus standards in just about any instrument, in a single chip that has been incorporated into hundreds of instrument designs, SmarResearch
2052 PEB2052-N PCM* Interface controller (PIC) (SMD) Siemens
2052 PEB2052-P PCM* Interface controller (PIC) Siemens
2054 PEB2054-N Extended PCM* Interface Controller-Small (EPIC-S) (SMD) Siemens
2054 PEF2054-N Extended PCM* Interface Controller-Small (EPIC-S) (SMD) Siemens
2055 PEB2055-N Extended PCM* Interface controller (EPIC-1) (SMD) Siemens
2055 PEB2055-P Extended PCM* Interface controller (EPIC-1) Siemens
2055 PEF2055-N Extended PCM* Interface controller (EPIC-1) (SMD) Siemens
20550 PEB20550-H Extended Line Card controller (ELIC) (SMD) Siemens
2080 PEB2080-N S-bus Interface Circuit (SBC) (SMD) Siemens
2080 PEB2080-P S-bus Interface Circuit (SBC) Siemens
2080 PEF2080-N S-bus Interface Circuit (SBC) (SMD) Siemens
2081 PEB2081-N S/T-bus Interface Circuit Extended (SBCX) (SMD) Siemens
2081 PEB2081-P S/T-bus Interface Circuit Extended (SBCX) Siemens
2081 PEF2081-N S/T-bus Interface Circuit Extended (SBCX) (SMD) Siemens
2107 DS2107A SCSI Terminator, data, PS Dallas*
2107 DS2107C SCSI Terminator, data, PS Dallas*
2107 DS21S07A SCSI Terminator, data, PS Dallas*
2107 DS21S07C SCSI Terminator, PS Dallas*
2108 DS2108 Differential SCSI switchable Terminator, data, PS Dallas*
2109 DS2109 Plug and Play SCSI Terminator, data, PS Dallas*
2110 DS2110 Plug and Play SCSI Terminator with EEPROM, data, PS Dallas*
2112 DS2112 BTL Terminator, data, PS Dallas*
21152 21152 PCI-to-PCI bridge chip Press release DEC*
2841 MB2841 dual* 10-bit bus interface latch Philips
3050 FB3050 Adds a Manchester encoder, a DMA* controller, and other functions to the FB2050 to reduce microprocessor load and increase functionality, SmarResearch
4050 FB4050 A Floating Point Co-processor and 160-segment LCD Display control plus all the functionality of the FB3050 make this the ideal choice for designers of new Fieldbus instruments, SmarResearch
43282 HS4-3282-8 LCC44 -55+125C ARINC bus interface circuit Harris $91/1K
43282 HS4-3282-9+ ARINC BU interface circuit (-40+85C) Harris $91/1K
4738 HEF4738V IEC/IEEE bus interface DIL40 Philips
5251 M5251 P1394 OHCI controller ALi*
5962 5962-85528012A SMD 82C89 bus arbiter-8MHz LCC20 Harris $128/1K
5962 5962-8552801RA SMD 82C89 bus arbiter-8MHz CERDIP20 Harris $73/1K
5962 5962-8688001QA SMD CDIP40 -55+125C ARINC bus interface circuit Harris $83/1K
5962 5962-8688001XA SMD LCC44 -55+125C ARINC bus interface circuit Harris $99/1K
64 VIC64 VMEbus Interface controller with D64 Functionality, data Cypress*
6824 68HC24 68HC11F1 bus expansion IC*, Motorola obosoleted it before 199906 Motorola*, Tekmos?
7116 SAA7116 PCI-bus controller Philips
73715 IDT73715 Single-chip system controller 16-33MHz CPU interface to entire 160 PQFP NOW IDT*
7416821 74ABT16821 dual* 10-bit bus interface register Philips
7416821 74LVT16821 20-bit bus interface register Philips
7416823 74ABT16823 dual* 9-bit bus interface register Philips
7416823 74LVT16823 18-bit bus interface register Philips
7416841 74ABT16841 dual* 10-bit bus interface latch Philips
7416841 74LVT16841 20-bit bus interface latch Philips
7416863 74ABT16863 dual* 9-bit bus transceiver Philips
743893 N74F3893 quad* FutureBus backplane transceive Philips
74786 N74F786 4-input asynchronous bus arbiter DIL16 Philips
74821 74LVC821 10-bit bus interface register Philips
74821 N74F821 10-bit bus interface register DIL24SK Philips
74822 N74F822 10-bit bus interface register DIL24SK Philips
74823 74LVC823 9-bit bus interface register Philips
74823 N74F823 9-bit bus interface register DIL24SK Philips
74824 N74F824 9-bit bus interface register DIL24SK Philips
74825 N74F825 9-bit bus interface register DIL24SK Philips
748960 N74F8960 Octal* latched bidirectional FutureBus transceiver DIL28 Philips
748961 N74F8961 Octal* latched bidirectional FutureBus transceiver DIL28 Philips
748962 N74F8962 9-bit latched bidirectional FutureBus transceiver Philips
748963 N74F8963 9-bit latched bidirectional FutureBus transceiver Philips
748965 N74F8965 Futurebus address data transceiver Philips
748966 N74F8966 Futurebus address data transceiver Philips
7960 CY7C960 Slave VMEbus Interface controller family, data Cypress*
7961 CY7C961 Master/Slave VMEbus Interface controller family, data Cypress*
7964 CY7C964 VMEbus Interface Logic Circuit, data Cypress*
7965 CY7C965 RACEway Crossbar Chip
7965 CY7C965 Raceway Crossbar, data Cypress*
82150 P82C150 Stand-alone CAN I/O device, controller Philips
82200 PCx82C200 Stand-alone CAN controller DIL28 Philips
82250 PCA82C250 CAN controller interface DIL8 Philips
82380 82380AB PCI to ISA bridge registers, (?) Intel
82715 82B715 I2C* bus extender in DIL8 Philips
82715 82B715 I2C* bus extender in SO8 Philips
8283 CP82C83H PDIP20 0+70C 5.0V 25 NS OCTL inverting bus driver Harris $4/1K
8284 um82c84a controller bus 8mhz UMC
8288 CD82C88 CDIP20 0+70C 5.0V 8.0MHz bus controller Harris $7/1K
8288 ID82C88 CDIP20 -40+85C 5.0V 8.0MHz bus controller Harris $11/1K
8288 IP82C88 PDIP20 -40+85C 5.0V 8.0MHz bus controller Harris $5/1K
8288 IS82C88 PLCC20 -40+85C 5.0V 8.0MHz bus controller Harris $7/1K
8288 MD82C88/B CMOS* bus controller MIL 8MHz CDIP20 Harris $49/1K
8288 MR82C88/B CMOS* bus controller MIL 8MHz LCC Harris $75/1K
8289 CD82C89 CDIP20 0+70C 5.0V 8.0MHz bus arbiter Harris $18/1K
8289 CP82C89 PDIP20 0+70C 5.0V 8.0MHz bus arbiter Harris $9/1K
8289 CS82C89 PLCC20 0+70C 5.0V 8.0MHz bus arbiter Harris $11/1K
8289 ID82C89 CDIP20 -40+85C 5.0V 8.0MHz bus arbiter Harris $26/1K
8289 IP82C89 PDIP20 -40+85C 5.0V 8.0MHz bus arbiter Harris $13/1K
8289 IS82C89 PLCC20 -40+85C 5.0V 8.0MHz bus arbiter Harris $16/1K
8289 MD82C89/B CMOS* bus arbiter MIL 8MHz CDIP20 Harris $61/1K
8289 MR82C89/B CMOS* bus arbiter MIL 8MHz LCC Harris $107/1K
8406901 8406901RA SMD 82C88 bus controller-8MHz CDIP20 Harris $59/1K
84069012 84069012A SMD 82C88 bus controller-8MHz LCC20 Harris $90/1K
8406902 8406902RA SMD 82C88 bus controller-10MHz CDIP20 Harris <$1/1K
8574 PCF8574 I2C* 8-bit I/O expander in DIP16 Philips
8574 PCF8574 I2C* 8-bit I/O expander, SSOP20 Philips
8584 PCF8584 I2C-bus controller in DIP20 Philips
965123 CYM9651/2/3 Raceway Interlink Modules, data Cypress*
96545 CYM9654/5 Raceway Interlink Modules, data Cypress*

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