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Chip distributors in Korea

(Established in 1987 as a private company, DongWoon Corp. and re-established in 1998 as the stock company, DongWoon International Co., Ltd.)
DongWoon Corp.
6Fl, Daeho Bldg, 1462-7
Seocho-dong, Seocho-ku, Seoul
Korea, Zip: 137-070
tel: +82-2-598-5240
fax: +82-2-598-5055 offers a more competitive price for urgent/regular requirements through potential suppliers all over the world and also purchases excess/surplus inventories of major O.E.M. manufacturers at higher price.
Dealing items: IC, transistor, diode, memory, CPU, module (SRAM, DRAM, Flash, NV-SRAM) and general electronic parts. Domestic major customers: Samsung, Hyundai, LG, Daewoo, Trigem and other fast-growing medium sized companies.
Main manufacturers: Samsung, Hyundai, KEC (Local), Motorola, Intel, Philips, etc.

CP Trading
C.P. Trading Co.
#809, 8F, Academy Bldg., 7B-4L, Daebang-dong
Changwon city, Kyoungnam, 641-100
Korea (South)
tel: +82-551-263-7758
fax: +82-551-263-7759
We are a Korean trading company sourcing competitive goods for our clients in domestic and foreign markets.
Importer, exporter and wholesaler.

Dong Ah Trade Corp.
Dong Ah Trade Corp.
961-28, Hwagok6dong, Kangso-Gu
157-016, Seoul
tel: +82-2-2608-8161
fax: +82-2-2608-8160 Distributors/Rep's
  1. establishment; Feb 1, 1982.
  2. employment; 27 person
  3. Distributors; 27 in korea
  4. sale amount; 6,500,000,000 Won (korea; 1999)
  5. items; Systems & Instruments for electronics & electrical, Resistor, EMI device & material, LSI(ASIC & MICOM), P.C.B Process M/C,Photo resist, CHEMICAL FOR ELECTRONICS, MDS system, Special software for any Instrument, IC PACKAGE ADAPTERS & Sockets, variety electronics device, Soldering M/C, PCB DEVICE, RF-GENERATORS,Worl-wide semiconductors & variety electronics component., etc.
  6. customers; variety industry for electronic, electric, communication, research, laboratory(manufacture, government, university), Distribution company, Hospital, variety many kept to customers & top client.
  7. distributor & agent;
clients (?):

Hozo Semicon
Hozo Semicon
Electro Land C-306, Han Kang Ro 3Ka, Yong San Ku,
Seoul, 140-023
South Korea
tel1 = +82-2-797-5454
tel2 = +82-11-229-9171 - Mobile Phone
fax1 = +82-2-701-0962 (Buy and Sell)
Hozo Semicon is one of the famous independant Chip distributor in Korea.
Memory, DRAM Module, SRAM, Flash Memory, Telecom I.C., etc.
Once you start business with us, you get success.

Unidus Techpia Co., Ltd.
Room 1412, Garden Tower B/D, 446-13,
Bun-1Dong, Kangbuk-Ku, Seoul
South Korea
tel: +82-2-3297-2161
tel: +82-2-3297-2162
fax: +82-2-3297-2163
We are an importer/exporter and stockist of electronic components, especially of IC's, transistors and diodes. Inquiries and offers are appreciated, anytime.

SDA International Corp.
52Fl.63 Bldg. Yeouido-dong 60
South Korea
tel: +82-2-789-6102
fax: +82-2-789-6728

Unidus Techpia Co.,Ltd
Room#1412, Garden Tower B/D, 446-13,
Bun-1Dong, Kangbuk-Ku, Seoul
Republic of Korea
tel: +82-2-3297-2161/2
tel: +82-11-9717-2141
fax: +82-2-3297-2163
We are a stockist and importer & exporter in IC'S, T/R'S, Diode. especially, Linear Consumer Circuit part.

World Sea Co., Ltd.
Ma-4408, Chung Ang Circulation Complex, Kuro
S. Korea
tel: +82-2-2612-4977
tel: +82-2-6736-4977
fax: +82-2-2612-4880
fax: +82-2-3662-4977
We're stocking distributors of Sanyo, KEC, Philips and Fairchild.

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