Transistors etc.
Towers' International Transistor Selector
- W. Foulsham and Co Ltd, London
- 18900 Olive Ave.
- Sonoma, CA 95476
Kluwer's Internationale Transistor Gids
- (in Dutch)
- Vierde druk, 1991
- Vertaling: Copytronics, Gorssel - Johan Smilde
- ISBN 9020125192, D/1991/0108/166, NUGI 832
- Dit is een vertaling van Towers' International Transistor Selector
- Het bevat meer dan 29.000 Amerikaanse, Engelse en Japanse transistoren met elektrische en mechanische specificaties, fabrikanten en beschikbare vervangingsmogelijkheden.
- Kluwer's International Transistor Guide
- (in Dutch)
- Fourth printing, 1991
- Translation: Coptronics, Gorssel - Johan Smilde
- This is a translation of Towers' International Transistors Selector.
- It lists more than 29000 American, English and Japanese transistors with electrical and mechanical specifications, manufacturers and available replacement prosibilities.
- The book consists mainly of one big transistor table, so you could even use the Dutch book, if you can't get the English version...
- ECA Vergleichstabelle
- ISBN: 3881090339
- There are several volumes (numerically ordered and functionally ordered and other parts than transistors etc.) and the main parts cost about $30.
Collector's Guide to Transistor Radios Identification and Values
2nd ed.
Bunis, Marty and Bunis, Sue
Published: Mar 1996
Price indication: $15
ISBN: 0891457046
Digital Hardware Testing; Transistor-Level Fault Modeling and Testing
Artech House Telecommunications
Rajsuman, Rochit
Published: 1992
Price indication: $60
ISBN: 0890065802
Microwave Transistor Amplifiers; Analysis and Design
2nd ed.
Gonzalez, Guillermo
Published: Jun 1996
Price indication: $95
ISBN: 0132543354
Principles of Transistor Circuits
(Introduction to the Design of Amplifiers, Receivers, and Digital ...)
Amos, S. W.
Published: Apr 1994
Price indication: $45
ISBN: 0750619996
The Bipolar Junction Transistor, 2nd ed. (Modular Series on Solid State Devices, vol. 3)
Neudeck, Gerold W.
Published: Jan 1989
Price indication: $20
ISBN: 0201122979
Transistor Circuit Approximations
3rd ed.
Malvino, Albert Paul
Published: Feb 1980
Price indication: $80
ISBN: 007039878X
Transistor Radios; A Collector's Encyclopedia and Price Guide
Lane, David and Lane, Robert
Published: Jun 1994
Price indication: $20
ISBN: 0870697129
Valve and Transistor Audio Amplifiers
Hood, John Linsley
Published: Nov 1997
Price indication: $40
ISBN: 0750633565
Data bases
See Burosch.
To be digested yet:
Date: 19970729
From: Raheem Bhutto <>
To: Multiple recipients of Chipdir Mailing List
Subject: Re: Japanese components?
> Maroof H. Choudhury wrote:
> Can anyone help me find specs of this components?
> FETs...
> 2SK1817, 3SK81, 3SK74, 2SK125
2SK125= N-FET, FM*/VHF 25V, Idss>30mA, Up<6V
3SK74 = MOS-N-FET-D DUAL* GATE, VHF , 20V, Idss>7mA, Up<3V
3SK81 = MOS-N-FET-D DUAL* GATE, UHF , 20V, Idss>5mA, Up<3V
> BJT...
> 2SC1945, 2SC1971, 2SC2097
2SC1945 = AM-L, 80V,6A, PoUT=16W/27MHz
2SC1971 = Si-NPN, VHF-L 35V, 2A, POut = 7W / 175MHz
2SC2097 = AM-L, 50V, 15A, POut=85W/30MHz
> Diode...
> 1SS53, 1SS97, 1S953
1SS53=BA127= Si-DIODE , UNI, 60V, 0,2A (CAN USE 1N4148 ALSO)
Others - i could not find specs for. Will notify later, if found.
Best Regards,
Rahim Bhutto
PRINTEL circuits
Date: 19970917
From: COOREMAN Dominique * BRUSSELS <>
To: Multiple recipients of Chipdir Mailing List
Subject: Re: Transistor series
2N... means American transistors, BC... are European transistors.
American designation:
1N.... is used for semiconductors with 1 junction like a diode i.e.
2N.... is used or semiconductors with 2 junctions like a transistor i.e.
3N... for other semiconductors like smal IC* like optocopler i.e. 3N435,
You have also exeptions!
European designation:
I cannot give you all the details because you have a lot of different
letters used.
The first letter:
A = Ge material semiconductors,
B = Si material semiconductors,
C = GaAs material semiconductors,
R = Compound material.
The second letter:(the most popular ones):
A = Diode (low power, signal);
B = Diode (variable capacitance));
C = Transistor (low power, audio frequency);
D = Transistor (power, audio frequency);
F = Transistor (low power, high frequency);
L = Transistor (power, high frequency);
R= control and swithching device);
S = Transistor (low power, swithching);
T = thyristors;
U = Transistor (power, switching);
X = Diode (varactor, multiplier);
Y = Diode (rectifier);
Z = Diode (zener).
You have also sometimes a tirth lertter, see a Philips data books for
more details.
In you case: 2N means you have an American transistor, and BC is an
European Si, low power, LF transistor.
The Japanese designation:
2SB, 2SC, 2SD*, for transistors but it is difficult to get informations
about Japanese semiconductors!
Hope this can help you.
Date: Wednesday 17 September 1997 1:29
From: COOREMAN Dominique * BRUSSELS <>
To: dominiq; Multiple recipients of Chipdir Mailing List
Subject: Re: Transistor series
At 09:49 16-09-97 -0800, you wrote:
>What is the main difference between the 2N and BC transistors series?
>Marco Fiaschi
2N types are fets, bipolars, thyristors, triacs and other semiconductors
with three active connections registered at JEDEC* and perhaps other
institutes. There is also a 3N series, I think they are all dual* gate
BC are small power low frequency silicon transistors registered at Pro
Electron, a european institute.
Often the same transistor is sold in North America with a JEDEC* code,
and in
Europe with a Pro Electron code.
Philips supplies many 2N types, and Motorola has many BC types.
The pro electron code is generally more systematic than the JEDEC* code.
Philips databooks (discrete semiconductors series) often explain the Pro
Electron code and the meaning of the first, second and sometimes third
A web site that explains not only the JEDEC* and Pro-Electron code, but
the japanese JIS code is:
Author: Tinco Brouwer
Date: 19970918
From: Mike Sprecher <>
To: Multiple recipients of Chipdir Mailing List
Subject: Re: Transistor series
Any company not member of one of those designations may and will override
these specifications. Especially with modern things like digital
*** PRO-ELECTRON-designation (Europe): ***
A) Used in Radio-/TV-/Tape- units : AAxxx (2 letters, 3 digits)
B) Used in commercial units : AAAxx (3 letters, 2 digits)
(don't ask what the diff. between a commercial and a TV is...)
A = Germanium
B = Silocon
C = Transistor, low Power, low frequency (audible sepctrum)
D = Transistor, high power, low frequency (audible sepctrum)
F = Transistor, low power, high frequency (antennas, HF, Tuner,radar)
L = Transistor, high power, high frequency
S = Transistor, low power, Switch applications
U = Transistor, high power, Switch applications (BU208, TV defl.
A =low signal amplification (BC-548A)
B = medium signal amplification (BC-548B)
C = high signal amplification (BC-548C)
*** JEDEC-designation (America): ***
2N for 2-junctions
3N for more. Like ICs, Optos,...
*** JIS-designation (Japan): ***
2SA... or 2SB PNP-Transistor
2SC... or 2SD* NPN-Transistor
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