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Chip numbers starting with 168

nr name cat description manufacturer
168 pl 16v8, Pal/Gal (?), pinout
168 16l8b-2 , pinout
168 LVT16V8-6 pl 3 Volt BICMOS versatile GAL-type PLD DIL20 Philips
168 PALCE16V8 Programmable Array Logic, pinout AMD
168 PALCE16V8 pl Flash Erasable, Reprogrammable CMOS* PAL* Device, data Cypress*
168 PHD16N8-5 pl Programmable high-speed decoder DIL20 Philips
168 PLS168 pl Programmable logic sequencer DIL24 Philips
168 PLS168A pl Programmable logic sequencer DIL24 Philips
168 PLUS16L8 Programmable logic, pinout Philips
168 PLUS16L8-7 pl PAL-type device DIL20 Philips
168 PLUS16L8D pl PAL-type device DIL2O Philips
168 PLUS16R8-7 pl Registered PAL-type device DIL20 Philips
168 PLUS16R8D pl Registered PAL-type device DIL20 Philips
1680 SL1680 Plessey IC* order from Barend
16812 f16l8-12cn pl PAL* and/or invert 12ns/210ma TI
16812 f16r8-12cn pl PAL* and/or reg-is 12ns/210ma TI
168201 gal16v8-20hb1 pl GAL generic array logic 20ns 90ma ST
1683 PIC16F83 8 Bit CMOS* Microcontroller, pinout Microchip Technology
168351 gal16v8-35hb1 pl GAL re-programable ic* ST
1684 DS1684 rtc 3 Volt/5 Volt Real Time Clock, Dallas*
1684 PIC1684 mcu* PIC MCU, 1k*14 Pgm Memory, 36 RAM, 64 EEPROM, 13 I/O*, 1T, pinout Microchip*
1684 PIC16C84 microcontroller, pinout Microchip
1684 PIC16F84 8 Bit CMOS* Microcontroller, pinout Microchip Technology
168404 PIC16F84/04P mcu* same, EEPROM on chip, flashable, pincompatible PIC16C84-04P order from Barend
1685 DS1685 rtc 3 Volt/5Volt Real Time Clock, data, PS Dallas*
16850 XR16C850 uart UART with 128-Byte FIFOs and Infrared (IrDA) Encoder/Decoder Exar
16854 XR16C854 uart Quad* UART with RX/TX FIFO* Counters and 128-Byte FIFO* Exar
1686 DS1686 rtc 3 Volt/5 Volt Real Time Clock, PS Dallas*
16864 XR16C864 uart Quad* UART with RX/TX FIFO* Counters and 128-Byte FIFO* Exar
1687 driver Neg Voltage Relay Driver NS
1687 DS1687 rtc 3 Volt/5Volt Real Time Clock, data, PS Dallas*
16872 XR16C872 uart Dual* UART with 1284 Parallel Port and Plug-and-Play Controller Exar
1688 C16-P88 mcu* Microcomputer, 16-Bit White*
1688 DS1688 rtc 3 Volt/5 Volt Serialized RTC with NVRAM* Control, PS Dallas*
1689 DS1689 rtc 3 Volt/5 Volt Serialized Real Time Clock with NVRAM* Control, PS Dallas*

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