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Chip numbers starting with 165

nr name cat description manufacturer
1650 DS1650 sram Partitioned 4096k NV* SRAM*, Dallas*
1650 DS1650AB sram Partitionable 4096K NV* SRAM*, PS Dallas*
1650 DS1650LPM sram Partitionable 4096K NV* SRAM*, Dallas*
1650 DS1650Y sram Partitionable 4096K NV* SRAM*, PS Dallas*
16504 HM1-6504-9 sram CDIP18 -40+85C 5.OV 300NS 4096 X 1 RAM Harris $12/1K
16504 HM1-6504B-9 sram CDIP18 -40+85C 5.0V 200NS 4096 X 1 RAM Harris $16/1K
16504 HM1-6504S-9 sram CDIP18 -40+85C 5.0V 120NS 4096 X 1 RAM Harris $19/1K
16504883 HM1-6504/883 sram MIL-STD 4096 X 1 CMOS* RAM 300NS CERDIP18 Harris $10/1K
16504883 HM1-6504B/883 sram MIL-STD 4096 X 1 CMOS* RAM 200NS CERDIP18 Harris $13/1K
16508 PIC16C508 mcu* MCU, Microchip*
16508 HM1-6508-9 sram CDIP16 -40+85C 5.0V 250NS 1024 X 1 RAM Harris $15/1K
16508 HM1-6508B-9 sram CDIP16 -40+85C 5.0V 180NS 1024 X 1 RAM Harris $20/1K
16508883 HM1-6508/883 sram MIL-STD 1024 X 1 CMOS* RAM 250NS CERDIP16 Harris $10/1K
16508883 HM1-6508B/883 sram MIL-STD 1024 X 4 CMOS* RAM 180NS CERDIP16 Harris $12/1K
16509 PIC16C509 mcu* MCU, Microchip*
1651 DS1651 lock 3-Code Lock, PS Dallas*
16512 HT16512 1/4 to 1/11 Duty VFD Controller, pinout Holtek
16514 HM1-6514-9 sram CDIP18 -40+85C 5.0V 300NS 1024 X 4 RAM Harris $10/1K
16514 HM1-6514B-9 sram CDIP18 -40+85C 5.0V 200NS 1024 X 4 RAM Harris $13/1K
16514 HM1-6514S-9 sram CDIP18 -40+85C 5.0V 120NS 1024 X 4 RAM Harris $15/1K
16514883 HM1-6514/883 sram MIL-STD 1024 X 4 CMOS* RAM 300NS CERDIP18 Harris $11/1K
16514883 HM1-6514B/883 sram MIL-STD 1024 X 1 CMOS* RAM 200NS CERDIP18 Harris $15/1K
16514883 HM1-6514S/883 sram MIL-STD 1024 X 4 CMOS* RAM 120NS access time CERDIP18 Harris $20/1K
16516 HM1-6516-9 sram 2048 X 8 CMOS* RAM 200NS access time Harris $22/1K
16516 HM1-6516B-9 sram CDIP24 -40+85C 5.0V 120NS 2048 X 8 RAM Harris $39/1K
165162 HM1-65162-9 sram CDIP24 -40+85C 5.0V 90NS 40UA 2048 X 8 RAM Harris $9/1K
165162 HM1-65162B-9 sram CDIP24 -40+85C 5.0V 70NS 20UA 2048 X 8 RAM Harris $17/1K
165162 HM1-65162C-9 sram CDIP24 -40+85C 5.0V 90NS 300UA 2048 X 8 RAM Harris $6/1K
165162883 HM1-65162/883 sram MIL-STD 2048 X 8 CMOS* RAM 90NS access time CERDIP24 Harris $34/1K
165162883 HM1-65162B/883 sram MIL-STD 2048 X 8 CMOS* RAM 70NS access time CERDIP24 Harris $47/1K
165162883 HM1-65162C/883 sram MIL-STD 2048 X 8 CMOS* RAM 90NS access time CERDIP24 Harris $24/1K
16516883 HM1-6516/883 sram MIL-STD 2048 X 8 CMOS* RAM 200NS access time CERDIP24 Harris $50/1K
16516883 HM1-6516B/883 sram MIL-STD 2048 X 8 CMOS* RAM 120NS access time CERDIP24 Harris $68/1K
16518 HM1-6518-9 sram CDIP18 -40+85C 5.0V 250NS 1024 X 1 RAM Harris $16/1K
16518 HM1-6518B-9 sram CDIP18 -40+85C 5.0V 180NS 1024 X 1 RAM Harris $22/1K
16518883 HM1-6518/883 sram MIL-STD 1024 X 4 CMOS* RAM 250NS CERDIP18 Harris $10/1K
1652 rcvr quad* Diff Line Receiver NS
1652 DS1652 lock Key Match Memory System, PS Dallas*
165262 HM1-65262-9 sram CDIP20 -40+85C 5.0V 85NS 20UA 16384 X 1 RAM Harris $11/1K
165262 HM1-65262B-9 sram CDIP20 -40+85C 5.0V 70NS 20UA 16384 X 1 RAM Harris $19/1K
165262883 HM1-65262/883 sram MIL-STD 16K X 1 CMOS* RAM 85NS access time CERDIP20 Harris $32/1K
1653 DS1653 DS1653 4-Code Lock, DS1652 Key Match Memory System, Dallas*
1653 DS1653 lock 4-Code Lock, PS Dallas*
1654 PIC1654 mcu* PIC MCU, 512*12 Pgm Memory, 25 RAM, 12 I/O*, 1T, pinout Microchip*
1654 PIC16C54-XTP mcu* Controller, 512-words, one-time programmable order from Barend
1654 PIC16C54A-04P mcu* Controller order from Barend
1655 PIC1655 mcu* PIC MCU, 512*12 Pgm Memory, 25 RAM, 20 I/O*, 1T, pinout Microchip*
1655 PIC16C55-XTP mcu* Controller, 512K Eprom order from Barend
16550 uart CMOS* UART with 16 byte FIFO* buffer (=8250+) pinout NS
16550 ST16C550 uart UART With 16-Byte FIFOs Exar
16550 TL16PNP550A uart Windows95 Plug and Play UART TI*
16550 XR16C550A datacom CMOS* UART with FIFO*, Data Exar
16551 HM1-6551-9 sram CDIP22 -40+85C 5.0V 300NS 256 X 4 RAM Harris $14/1K
16551 HM1-6551B-9 sram CDIP22 -40+85C 5.0V 220NS 256 X 4 RAM Harris $19/1K
16551883 HM1-6551/883 sram MIL-STD 256 X 4 CMOS* RAM 300NS CERDIP22 Harris $12/1K
16551883 HM1-6551B/883 sram MIL-STD 256 X 4 CMOS* RAM 220NS CERDIP22 Harris $13/1K
16552 uart DUART* with FIFO* and Parallel Printer Port (=8250+) Xicor?
16552 ST16C552 datacom DUART* with FIFO* and Parallel Printer Port, Data Exar
16552 ST16C552_A uart Dual* UART With 16-Byte FIFO* and Parallel Printer Port Exar
16554 ST16C554 uart Quad* UART with 16-Byte FIFOs Exar
1656 PIC1656 mcu* PIC MCU, 1k*12 Pgm Memory, 25 RAM, 20 I/O*, 1T, pinout Microchip*
16561 HM1-6561-9 sram CDIP18 -40+85C 5.0V 300NS 256 X 4 RAM Harris $16/1K
16561 HM1-6561B-9 sram CDIP18 -40+85C 5.OV 220NS 256 X 4 RAM Harris $21/1K
16561883 HM1-6561/883 sram MIL-STD 256 X 4 CMOS* RAM 300NS CERDIP18 Harris $12/1K
16561883 HM1-6561B/883 sram MIL-STD 256 X 4 CMOS* RAM 220NS CERDIP18 Harris $13/1K
16564 TL16PC564A uart UART for PCMCIA applications TI*
165642 HM1-65642-9 sram CDIP28 -40+85C 5.0V 150N S 150UA 8192 X 8 RAM Harris $38/1K
165642883 HM1-65642/883 sram MIL-STD 8192 X 8 CMOS* RAM 150NS access time CERDIP28 Harris $62/1K
165642883 HM1-65642B/883 sram MIL-STD 8192 X 8 CMOS* RAM 150NS access time CERDIP28 Harris $74/1K
165642883 HM1-65642C/883 sram MIL-STD 8192 X 8 CMOS* RAM 200NS access time CERDIP28 Harris $55/1K
1657 DS1657AB sram Partitionable 128K x 16 NV* SRAM*, PS Dallas*
1657 DS1657Y sram Partitionable 128K x 16 NV* SRAM*, PS Dallas*
1657 PIC1657 mcu* PIC MCU, 2k*12 Pgm Memory, 25 RAM, 20 I/O*, 1T, pinout Microchip*
1658 DS1658AB sram Partitionable 128K x 16 NV* SRAM*, PS Dallas*
1658 DS1658Y sram Partitionable 128K x 16 NV* SRAM*, PS Dallas*
1658 MAX1658 Low Dropout Linear Regulator, pinout Maxim
1658 PIC1658 mcu* PIC MCU, 2k*12 Pgm Memory, 73 RAM, 12 I/O*, 1T, 2.5 V, pinout Microchip*
16580 ST16C580 uart UART with 16-Byte FIFOs and Infrared (IrDA) Encoder/Decoder Exar
1659 MAX1659 Low Dropout Linear Regulator, pinout Maxim

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