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Chip numbers starting with 12

nr name cat description manufacturer
12 ATtiny12 Microcontroller, pinout Atmel
12 DAC-HZ12 dac* DAC Datel
12 HT-12D codec* Encoder, for Digit Code Transmitter-Receiver System Holtek*
12 HT-12E codec* Encoder, for Digit Code Transmitter-Receiver System Holtek*
12 HT12A_DIP18 encoder 2**12 Series of Encoders, pinout Holtek
12 HT12A_SOP20 encoder 2**12 Series of Encoders, pinout Holtek
12 HT12D_DIP18 decoder 2**12 Series of Decoders, pinout Holtek
12 HT12D_SOP20 decoder 2**12 Series of Decoders, pinout Holtek
12 HT12E xceiver Digit Code Transmitter and Receiver , data (shtml needed) Holtek
12 HT12E_DIP18 encoder 2**12 Series of Encoders, pinout Holtek
12 HT12E_SOP20 encoder 2**12 Series of Encoders, pinout Holtek
12 HT12F xceiver Digit Code Transmitter and Receiver , data (shtml needed) Holtek
12 HT12F_DIP18 decoder 2**12 Series of Decoders, pinout Holtek
12 HT12F_SOP20 decoder 2**12 Series of Decoders, pinout Holtek
12 IL12 isol Spectronics optoisolator Spectronics
12 TMP12 temp Airflow and Temperature Sensor, data AD

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