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Chips in the category 'FLASH'

Flash is a kind of EEPROM.
Read more about it in EDN Europe 19970703 page 65+.
nr name description manufacturer
18 DPZ1MM8NG Military/monolithic 1M*8 Flash, 100-150ns, LCC40, .550" X .75" Dense-Pac*
28001 n28f001bx-t150 ram* flash plcc32 NS
28010 128k*8 Flash EEPROM AMD*, Catalyst
28010 28F010 128k*8 FPROM 12V 150ns
28010 X28C010 128k*8 5V, byte alterable EEPROM, data Xicor*
28010 X28HT010 128k*8 5V, byte alterable EEPROM (high temperature), data Xicor*
28010 XM28C010 128k*8 5V, byte alterable EEPROM module, data Xicor*
28016 28F016 2m*8/1m*16 FPROM 70ns Intel
28020 256k*8 Flash EEPROM AMD*, Catalyst
28020 28F020 256k*8 FPROM 12V 150ns
28020 XM28C020 256k*8 5V, byte alterable EEPROM module, data Xicor*
28032 28F032 4m*8/2m*16 FPROM Intel
2804 512*8 NMOS* EEPROM Exel, MicroChip, SEEQ, Xicor
2804 2804 512*8 EEPROM, pinout
2804 X2804A 512*8 5V, byte alterable EEPROM, Xicor*
2804 X2804C 512*8 5V, byte alterable EEPROM, data Xicor*
28040 Am28F040 512k*8 FPROM 5V AMD
28040 XM28C040 512k*8 5V, byte alterable EEPROM module, data Xicor*
281000 MX28F1000 Flash Memory, 1 Mb, 8-Bit, CMOS*
28400 PA28F400BVT-80 $6.50 (1997) 4 MB FLASH MEMORY Intel
28400 TE28F400CVT-80 $6.50 (1997) 4 MB FLASH MEMORY Intel
28512 64k*8 Flash EEPROM AMD*, Catalyst
28512 28F512 64k*8 FPROM 12V
28512 X28C512 64k*8 5V, byte alterable EEPROM, data Xicor*
28512 X28HT512 64k*8 5V, byte alterable EEPROM (high temperature), data Xicor*
28512 X28LC512 64k*8 3.3V, byte alterable EEPROM, data Xicor*
28513 X28C513 64k*8 5V, byte alterable EEPROM, data Xicor*
28513 X28LC513 64k*8 3.3V, byte alterable EEPROM, data Xicor*
29010 128k*8 Flash Memory AMD*, Motorola
29010 29F010 Flash memory 128x8 order from Barend
29010 AT29BV010A 128K*8 200-350 ns 1 Mbit, 2.7-Volt Read and 2.7-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29010 AT29C010A 128K*8 70-200 ns 1 Mbit, 5-Volt Read and 5-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29010 AT29LV010A 128K*8 200-250 ns 1 Mbit, 3-Volt Read and 3-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29020 AT29BV020 256K*8 250-350 ns 2 Mbit, 2.7-Volt Read and 2.7-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29020 AT29C020 256K*8 100-200 ns 2 Mbit, 5-Volt Read and 5-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29020 AT29LV020 256K*8 200-250 ns 2 Mbit, 3-Volt Read and 3-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29040 512k*8 Flash Memory AMD*, Motorola
29040 AT29BV040A 512K*8 250-350 ns 4 Mbit, 2.7-Volt Read and 2.7-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29040 AT29C040A 512K*8 120-250 ns 4 Mbit, 5-Volt Read and 5-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29040 AT29LV040A 512K*8 200-250 ns 4 Mbit, 3-Volt Read and 3-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
291024 AT29C1024 64K*16 70-200 ns 1 Mbit, 5-Volt Read and 5-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
291024 AT29LV1024 64K*16 150-250 ns 1 Mbit, 3-Volt Read and 3-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
2916000 29N16000T 16 Mbit NAND* FPROM 15us/80ns Samsung
29256 AT29C256 32K x 8 70-250 ns 256K, 5-Volt Read and 5-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29256 AT29LV256 32K x 8 150-250 ns 256K, 3-Volt Read and 3-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29257 AT29C257 32K x 8 70-250 ns 256K, 5-Volt Read and 5-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29400 512k*8 or 256k*16 Flash memory AMD*, Motorola
29512 AT29C512 64K x 8 70-200 ns 512K, 5-Volt Read and 5-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29512 AT29LV512 64K x 8 200-250 ns 512K, 3-Volt Read and 3-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
55128 DP5Z512M8MY Military/monolithic 512K*8 Flash, 150-200ns, SLCC, 48 Pins, .520" X .890" Dense-Pac*
76041 X76F041 128*8 PASS SecureFlash, data Xicor*

More information about Flash EEPROM

Main manufacturers are:
AMD, Atmel, Cirrus, Fujitsu, Hitachi, Hyundai, ISD, ISI, Intel, LG, Matsushita, Micron, Mitsubishi, Motorola, NEC, Oki, Samsung, SanDisk, ST, Sharp, Siemens, SSTI, SSI, TI, Toshiba, Xicor

Complete Flash Cards:
Datalight, Kingston, Macronix, M-Systems, Nexcom, Smart Modular Technologies

BIOS's, Drivers and OS's handling Flash:
Microsoft, Phoenix, QNX, SystemSoft Corp, Wind River Systems

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